11 December 2003
The Ohio House of Representatives is considering legislation, House Bill 218, that would transfer thousands of acres along our coast to private landowners.

For those of us who enjoy Ohio's outdoors, this could severely...
09 December 2003
Phone Your Representative to Co-sponsor H. Con. Res. 327 to End Rights Violations in Aceh

The Indonesian Government has extended martial law in Aceh for another six months.  As the civilian death toll mounts, governments of...
07 December 2003
October 10, 2003

Dear President Bush,

Scouting for All joins with you in wanting "No Child Left Behind", as you stated in your Education bill and your 2003 State of the Union Address. I ask you, as honorary...
05 December 2003
Nikita Khrushchev wrote in his incomparable memoirs that Soviet admirals, like admirals everywhere, loved battleships because they could get piped aboard in great style amid the respectful hurrahs of their crews. It's the same with the...
02 December 2003
The embedded corporate media is still crowing over the details of George W. Bush's Thanksgiving flight to Baghdad. The Shrub spinmeisters have branded it a "home run."

But the global image of the smirking Texan carrying...


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