I Love My Obamacare website and petition efforts: We have collected over 2,300 signatures of “ILoveMyObamacare.org” supporters, including more than 350 gathered at protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. We also collected...
13 March 2011
Phone Banks in Columbus are running, 11-7 weekdays, 11-4 weekends, at the Ohio AFL-CIO, 395 E Broad, to talk to folks on why we need to protect worker’s bargaining rights in...
Phone Banks in Columbus are running, 11-7 weekdays, 11-4 weekends, at the Ohio AFL-CIO, 395 E Broad, to talk to folks on why we need to protect worker’s bargaining rights in...
06 March 2011
Senator Sherrod Brown apologized after giving a speech on the Senate floor March 4 where he stated the obvious, that Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Egyptian President Mubarak all crushed independent labor unions. No need to apologize,...
02 March 2011
With polls showing 61% of Americans supporting public employees’ right to bargain collectively, the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up Wednesday morning at the Local 413 Teamsters Hall to help the crowd of...
With polls showing 61% of Americans supporting public employees’ right to bargain collectively, the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up Wednesday morning at the Local 413 Teamsters Hall to help the crowd of...
24 February 2011
Thousands of workers and community members converged on the Statehouse yesterday to voice their opposition to Senate Bill 5 and Gov. Kasich's assault on working families and the middle class—but they were shut out. Yesterday, the doors...
20 February 2011
OK, all you leprechauns.
Here's a Riverdance quiz for you:
What's to love about two hours of joyous dancing, singing and hypnotically upbeat music of the highest quality?
Answer: Everything!!...
Here's a Riverdance quiz for you:
What's to love about two hours of joyous dancing, singing and hypnotically upbeat music of the highest quality?
Answer: Everything!!...