
14 November 2010
Day: to be announced - we expect it may be soon
Where: Your local Federal Building or government office
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression urges everyone who is working for peace and justice to organize protests the workday...
12 November 2010
The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio’s capitol city daily monopoly, asserts that Columbus’ seven City Council members are “accountable to the entire city.” The Dispatch professes that the current system “remains preferable [to a system] made up of...
04 November 2010
SOA graduates continue to get cited for serious abuses throughout the Americas and the Pentagon is fighting hard to keep the school open. Despite the requirement in National Defense Authorization Act for 2010 to release the names and...
31 October 2010
The Daily Monopoly, Columbus Dispatch, that masquerades as a newspaper, ran the following subhead in its editorial in support of Issue 12: “City charter change would provide public with more information.”

If you vote “yes” on...
27 October 2010
Contact the Free Press Election Protection group at: Free Press or 614-253-2571. Volunteers needed to watch the polling sites and videotape incidents.

23 October 2010
Don't forget to vote on or before November 2!


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