
In 2010, David Petraeus's four stars were ascendant. On his way to an eventual CIA directorship, he was head of CENTCOM, the premier combatant command within the armed services and arguably the current key stepping stone to the services on the Joint Chiefs of Staff or to Political Office. He was loved by the Bush administration as the architect of the surge in Iraq and entrenched enough to maneuver the Obama administration into a similar strategy in Afghanistan. He also may have been building a personal military empire that far exceeded the scope of his authority as CENTCOM commander.

While commander of CENTCOM in February 2010, General Petraeus's staff was engaging Endgame Solutions to provide offensive cyberwarfare capability. As was revealed in the HBGary emails garnered by LulzSec “While I was at their place getting briefed by Chris, Gen. Patraeus' [sic] exec called three times to set a follow-up meeting. It seems like there is plenty of interest in them.”

The state of Ohio is taking centre stage in a radical and innovative response to the global financial crash of 2008, a growing national movement described by distinguished professors as "the prehistory of the next American revolution."

Cooperatives as an alternative to traditional capitalist hierarchies have a long history that dates back to the 19th century. But five years after the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression, the fragile seeds of economic change are beginning to take root across the country. The events following the collapse of Lehman Brothers exposed the deeply dangerous nature of finance-driven capitalism, while the government stimulus failed to 'trickle down' as expected; a new answer was needed, something that helped move away from the inherent flaws of both unfettered markets and government intervention.

The Green Shadow Cabinet said today that while President Obama's call for the Environental Protection Agency to strengthen regulation of carbon emissions from existing power plants was a long overdue step in the right direction, his “all of the above” approach to energy is still a disaster for the climate.

Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2012 presidential nominees noted, "You can't give your child an 'all of the above diet' with toxic lead and arsenic, and think that adding some spinach and blueberries is going to make it OK. Likewise, reducing carbon pollution from coal does not make fracking, tar sands oil, deep water and Arctic drilling OK. The climate is spiraling into runaway warming. Obama's promotion of cheap dirty fossil fuels makes coal regulations just window dressing on a disastrous policy."

By and 5-4 vote today, June 25, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court has sanctioned the return of apartheid in nine states in our union that have a long legacy of blocking black and Latino voters.

The Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that required nine states, all but one former Confederate states, to seek pre-clearance from the U.S. Justice Department prior to changing election laws. The states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

Blatant racist attacks on the U.S. electorate have been the deliberate strategy of the Republican Party, in particular, since its theft of the 2000 presidential election in Florida.

In 2000, the Republican Party overtly embraced old-fashioned Jim Crow tactics, targeting former felons as a pretext for stripping 90,000 poor and minority voters from the voting rolls. A majority of the illegally purged voters were African American.

On Saturday, 4,000 people gathered in Westminster Central Hall, London, to organize against austerity. Organisers are now creating Britain's largest movement against government policy since the Stop The War coalition led two million protesters to march through London in 2003 against the war in Iraq.

The People's Assembly, a broad coalition of unions and leftist political groups, has spent the past several months preparing itself for a campaign to force David Cameron's austerity program into the spotlight, and to resist it in every city. They had their largest gathering yet on Saturday, when over 4,000 people met in central London to discuss the dismantling of the welfare state and how to protect it from the conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government.

Dallas Mayor Bars Public and Free Speech in Dealey Plaza on 50th Anniversary of Kennedy Assassination

Press release.

(Dallas, TX) Mike Rawlings, the Mayor of Dallas, Texas has announced an event to be held on November 22 at Dealey Plaza on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy at that location. His event will not focus on the assassination, but on the “life and legacy of President John F. Kennedy”. The event will not be open to the public, or the "tens of thousands" the Mayor expects to visit Dallas that day in commemoration of the assassination, but to a limited crowd of 5,000 people chosen at random in a ticket lottery. Half of the tickets will be issued only to Dallas residents according to press statements and the website set up for "The 50th" event.

When the wealthy nations of the world meet as the G8 or in any other gathering, it's interesting to imagine what they would do if they followed the golden rule, valued grandchildren, disliked unnecessary suffering, or wished to outgrow ancient forms of barbarism, or any combination of those.

The United States alone is perfectly capable, if it chooses, of enacting a global marshall plan, or -- better -- a global rescue plan. Every year the United States spends, through various governmental departments, roughly $1.2 trillion on war and war preparations. Every year the United States foregoes well over $1 trillion in taxes that billionaires and centimillionaires and corporations should be paying.

If we understand that out-of-control military spending is making us less safe, rather than more -- just as Eisenhower warned and so many current experts agree -- it is clear that reducing military spending is a critical end in itself. If we add to that the understanding that military spending hurts, rather than helping, economic well-being, the imperative to reduce it is that much clearer.

I have now had the chance to read Obama’s Report on Nuclear Employment Strategy of the United States, that just came out on Friday, June 21, 2013. The critical passage can be found on page 5:

“The 2010 Nuclear Posture Review established the Administration’s goal to set conditions that would allow the United States to safely adopt a policy of making deterrence of nuclear attack the sole purpose of U.S. nuclear weapons. Although we cannot adopt such a policy today, the new guidance re-iterates the intention to work towards that goal over time.”

In other words, “nuclear deterrence” is not now and has not been the policy of the Obama administration going back to and including their 2010 Nuclear Posture Review as well. Since “nuclear deterrence” is not now and has never been the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons policy from the get-go, then by default this means that offensive first-strike strategic nuclear war fighting is now and has always been the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons policy. This policy will also be pursued and augmented by means of “integrated non-nuclear strike options.” Id.

During my time (1993 to 1999) as President of {the now defunct} South East Clevelanders Together {SECT} I worked to promote community organizing in Cleveland, Ohio {Slavic Village} to address quality of life issues {such as crime watch} in an aggressive and systematic manner. Crime Watch is defined as "a neighborhood surveillance program or group in which residents keep watch over one another's houses, patrol the streets, etc., in an attempt to prevent crime." {source:} The key word here is "group" not "individual."

To the best of my knowledge no one belonging to SECT ever took it upon themselves to patrol the streets alone. That would have been a very dangerous proposition considering the type of riff raff we encountered when patrolling as a group. In fact most crime watch activities were conducted out of sight {and hence out of harms way} due to the requirements of what makes for successful crime watch techniques. This involved substantial training and certification and direct contact with police and various community groups. It was never about getting into your car and driving alone down the street while communicating to a police


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