
Rarely has any American provoked such fury in Washington’s high places. So far, Edward Snowden has outsmarted the smartest guys in the echo chamber -- and he has proceeded with the kind of moral clarity that U.S. officials seem to find unfathomable.

Bipartisan condemnations of Snowden are escalating from Capitol Hill and the Obama administration. More of the NSA’s massive surveillance program is now visible in the light of day -- which is exactly what it can’t stand.

The central issue is our dire shortage of democracy. How can we have real consent of the governed when the government is entrenched with extreme secrecy, surveillance and contempt for privacy?

The same government that continues to expand its invasive dragnet of surveillance, all over the United States and the rest of the world, is now asserting its prerogative to drag Snowden back to the USA from anywhere on the planet. It’s not only about punishing him and discouraging other potential whistleblowers. Top U.S. officials are also determined to -- quite literally -- silence Snowden’s voice, as Bradley Manning’s voice has been nearly silenced behind prison walls.

Google might be a little too cozy with the White House and federal legislators, but over in Europe the internet giant is facing pressure from multiple governments to change its now infamous modus operandi or face sanctions across the European Union. The grievances, from states including France, Spain and the UK, now mounting against Google, range from privacy concerns to accusations of large scale tax evasion.

Unlike Anglo-American efforts to spy on each other's citizens through the controversial PRISM program recently uncovered by Booz Allen whistleblower Edward Snowden, France is less tolerant towards invasions of its citizens' privacy by unscrupulous multinationals. The French government, currently run by Parti Socialiste's leader President Francois Hollande, has warned Google that it has three months to tighten up its privacy policy before internet regulators CNIL push through with sanctions. CNIL have stated that Google must update its privacy literature by making it clearer which data is being stored and for how long. It must also request users' permission to store cookies on their devices and set reasonable limits on data storage.

Divide and rule is a law of imperialism and western style "democracy" is how imperialism implements this law in neocolonial Africa. It’s called “elections” and with it’s winner take all diktats division, conflict, ethnic cleansing, mass murder and civil war are the results.

Traditionally in Africa’s villages decisions and conflict resolution takes place using a consensus system with no absolute winners and losers, with all parties agreeing to the final decision and honor bound to carry it out. Just the opposite of what happens after “elections” in "democratic Africa".

The dishonor roll of "African Democracy" a.k.a. bought, rigged or stolen elections must begin with Ethiopia, where the ethnic minority regime declared themselves victors 12 hours after the polls closed with 99.6% of the seats in parliament.

Second place could go to Liberia, where the capital Monrovia has not had running water or electricity for the entire term of Eleanor Johnson’s Presidency, she who ran unopposed the last “election”, and won a Nobel Prize to boot.

Edward Snowden is the 29 year-old whistleblower who recently leaked the vast surveillance capabilities of US spy agencies, exposing to the public just how much the government is spying on American citizens. Within days, Senator Feinstein (D-CA), chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused Snowden of committing treason.

Join us to tell Senator Feinstein: Truthtelling is NOT treason, and the American people deserve privacy and government transparency!

Sign the petition

To: Senator Feinstein (D-CA), chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee

Treason? You think Edward Snowden committed an act of treason by revealing that the U.S. Government is unlawfully spying on Americans citizens who have no connection whatsoever to terrorism?

Senator Feinstein, what Edward Snowden did was not treason. It was a tremendous public service at the expense of his own career, his own future. What the NSA has been doing, with your support, is un-American.

Investigative Journalist Michael Hastings was killed Tuesday in a fiery crash close to his home in Los Angles. His car, which was reported to have been traveling at a high rate of speed, jumped the median and immediately exploded in a dramatic fashion upon impact with a tree.

Witness Luiz Cortez was quoted by KTLA as saying “I was just coming northbound on Highland and I seen a car going really fast, and all of a sudden I seen it jackknife, I just seen parts fly everywhere and I slammed on my brakes and stopped and tried to call 911.” According to various news reports the car’s engine was found in a yard between 60 and 100 feet away. Hastings was pronounced dead at the scene but his remains were too charred to immediately identify. His death was later confirmed by the LA county coroner’s office through fingerprints.

Political language, while crucial to our general understanding of public institutions and policies, is both useful and dangerous. Barack Obama, to take a rather inexpensive example, has paradoxically resembled a socialist and a fascist at different times throughout his Presidency in the eyes of some disgruntled voters. The political Right has even managed to transfigure the term ‘liberal’ into a curse word over the years. More worrying than a slimy campaign slogan here and there, however, is the pressing reality that media outlets are employing political language to inform the American people. Case in point, Iran’s Presidential election.

Hassan Rouhani won 50.7% of about 36 million votes in Iran, and will assume the Presidency come early August. Astonishingly, almost every mainstream media outlet has characterized Rouhani as a ‘moderate,’ despite a track record that speaks much to the contrary. The New York Times headline which reads, ‘Iran Moderate Wins Presidency by a Large Margin,’ is thus grossly misleading at best. Any fair-minded analysis of Hassan Rouhani’s upbringing and political career will fail to staple the term ‘moderate’ to his politics.

In a move that bears striking resemblance to Eric Holder's recent talks with press leaders to suppress reporting of human rights abuses, the British government and large elements of the press have colluded this week to censor coverage about Edward Snowden's latest leak this weekend, which proved that the UK government had spied on its G20 partners during the two economic summits in 2009.

Facing questions about GCHQ's secret surveillance of the summits, defense officials in the British government issued a D-notice to all of the UK's major news outlets to refrain from covering the story whilst the G8, containing many of the same diplomats as before, met in the British capital last week. The D-notice was eventually written about by rightwing blogger Paul Staines despite its being marked as "private and confidential: not for publication, broadcast or use on social media", but aside from some commentary in the Guardian there has been a notable silence throughout the British press on both the serving of the D-notice and the public discussion it hampers.

The Free Press has covered the security holes in electronic voting for over a decade. In that time we have looked at both the hypothetical and real dangers of electronic voting. We've documented how the Bush administration stole the election in 2004 through internet based attacks.

This past year we revealed the Romney family's ownership of voting machines. We also documented illegal software patches being added at the last minute. We exposed an internet voting company and its ties to the national security state. That company, Scytl, literally ran and hid when confronted.

Edward Snowden’s disclosures, the New York Times reported on Sunday, “have renewed a longstanding concern: that young Internet aficionados whose skills the agencies need for counterterrorism and cyberdefense sometimes bring an anti-authority spirit that does not fit the security bureaucracy.”

Agencies like the NSA and CIA -- and private contractors like Booz Allen -- can’t be sure that all employees will obey the rules without interference from their own idealism. This is a basic dilemma for the warfare/surveillance state, which must hire and retain a huge pool of young talent to service the digital innards of a growing Big Brother.

With private firms scrambling to recruit workers for top-secret government contracts, the current situation was foreshadowed by novelist John Hersey in his 1960 book The Child Buyer. When the vice president of a contractor named United Lymphomilloid, “in charge of materials procurement,” goes shopping for a very bright ten-year-old, he explains that “my duties have an extremely high national-defense rating.” And he adds: “When a commodity that you need falls in short supply, you have to get out and hustle. I buy brains.”
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently spoke at a conference sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative in Chicago on disaster recovery in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, which caused an estimated $39 billion in damage in New Jersey. Christie talked through the plans for rebuilding after the initial steps to get power and water back up and return the area to “normalcy,” using some $60 billion in federal relief contributions.

A disaster like Sandy causes a structural dislocation beyond local capacity. Storms, tornados, earthquakes and sudden deindustrialization are all disasters. Houses and roads are destroyed; the local economy is ruined; small businesses go belly up. In response, the federal government steps in, provides aid, works with governors and local officials to lay out a plan for redevelopment.

The shore neighborhoods slammed by Sandy and the communities hit by tornadoes in Oklahoma or floods in North Dakota all deserve aid. Yet we witness a disaster in cities across our nation that is equally devastating, equally beyond anyone’s fault, and yet essentially ignored at the national level.


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