
History will not forgive those who have remained silent, exhibited or expressed ‘balanced’ positions - or worse, defended Israel’s ongoing genocide in an already besieged, impoverished and overcrowded Gaza. 

 This is not a cliché declaration, a desperate attempt aimed at jolting the world, especially the Western world, to show a degree of morality as Palestinians are dying in their thousands, as the pulverized bodies of children are scattered in every neighborhood in Gaza. 

 No, this is about history. 

People protesting in the street

Hundreds of protestors and community activists gathered outside the Ohio Statehouse on October 21 and marched across the Short North to demand an end to the genocide of Palestinians and the illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine. There have been many protests in Columbus since then to show solidarity with the Palestinian people.  

The protest was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, a student organization at OSU that advocates for the rights of Palestinians. Community organizers gave powerful speeches in support of the Palestinian people.  


UFOs are all the rage, even en vogue, especially after the Pentagon admitted it had secretly been investigating a gigantic white Tic Tac UFO, among others. The mystery is reaching near hysteria and even the Air Force may not have a clue about these things which have made many, many people exclaim “What is that?” to the sky.

We republish this updated Halloween thriller from 2013:

On an ink-stained night in late October 1973, sheriffs near Zanesville witnessed three pulsating globes over a local graveyard on the edge of town.

UFOs hovering over graveyards sounds like a pretty cool plot line. But 50 years ago, just days before thousands of kids flooded the streets for Halloween, the truth was way stranger than fiction as a UFO wave swept across Ohio in mid-to-late October of 1973.

Also known as a UFO “flap,” fear and panic spread across the colorful fall prairie. Much like how the Halloween night radio broadcast of HG Wells’ War of the World’s did in 1938.

But this was mind-bendingly real, as police from Columbus to Cincinnati fielded hundreds of calls. Local newspapers put the story on the front page.

Details about event

From Win Without War
While trucks carrying humanitarian aid were finally able to enter Gaza with life-saving drinking water, food, and medicines in recent days, an essential element has been missing - Fuel.  
The Biden administration and the international community are thankfully doing more to secure and prioritize getting critically needed humanitarian aid to Gaza in the face of the Israeli government’s blockade — but it’s still not enough. Without the fuel necessary to keep hospital generators and ambulances running, these relief efforts will be hamstrung, and lives will be unnecessarily lost.  

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Detective Richardson 

Shelia sat in the chair at the police station smoking a Kool cigarette. She appeared on the outside to be cool, but inside she was shaking like a leaf in a thunderstorm. Detective Richardson watched her from outside the room in the two-way mirror. He was tall and thin, black as coal and handsome. Each time Shelia took a puff off her cigarette, he took a hit off his cigar. He raked his ebony eyes from her head to her heels. 

Her brown hair was cut in a short pageboy that framed her oval shaped face, covering her dimples as she held her head down. Her skin was the color of a ripe peach with black flashing eyes that darted around the room like a doe caught in the headlights of a fast-approaching car. It was the only sign that resembled fear. The rest of her one-hundred-and-thirty-pound body was strong as steel. Her beautiful legs were crossed, and her right foot swung back and forth, but not at a fast-moving pace, but a slow deliberate one. She wore a black leather jacket, black mini skirt, red blouse, and black heels. He correctly guessed her age to be between thirty-five and forty.

Man with a hat

There’s a cultural rule that holds one’s vote to be exceedingly private. The idea behind such secrecy is more than a matter of privacy: usually people refuse to discuss their political decisions because they lack the reasoning capability to justify their choices. Like the journalist’s pledge to objectivity, I’m breaking that rule.

To Hell with it. I’m a progressive advocate, not a journalist, so here goes: I officially endorse Yes votes on Ohio Issue 1 and Issue 2.

I’m voting Yes on Issue One. This Issue One enshrines certain reproductive rights into the Ohio Constitution in light of the US Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and Ohio’s increasingly draconian anti-birth-control measures. My reasoning for this is beyond the salaciousness of the story of the ten-year-old rape victim forced to carry a fetus to term here. For me, it’s an issue of human rights and self-determination, two tenets of which used to drive the political party whose extreme wing once used the issue as their primary recruiting tool. 

Man talking into a mic

Peace activist David Swanson will speak in Columbus on November 9 at the Free Press 2023 Awards Dinner on “War Abolition and the Ukraine Problem.” David is a regular guest at the Free Press Zoom salons and his weekly articles can be found on His podcast also plays on the local community radio station WGRN 91.9FM. David was one of the first to point out the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to the war and the hypocrisy of the United States lies about them.

This bio is taken from David's website. David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is the director of World BEYOND War, a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. He is campaign coordinator for

Man talking into a mic

Peace activist David Swanson will speak in Columbus on November 9 at the Free Press 2023 Awards Dinner on “War Abolition and the Ukraine Problem.” David is a regular guest at the Free Press Zoom salons and his weekly articles can be found on His podcast also plays on the local community radio station WGRN 91.9FM. David was one of the first to point out the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to the war and the hypocrisy of the United States lies about them.

This bio is taken from David's website. David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is the director of World BEYOND War, a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. He is campaign coordinator for

Book cover

Ohio Migration Anthology (Everything Is) Cells and Bodies: Ohio Migration Anthology, Volume Two by Lynn Tramonte (Editor), Marina Manoukian (Foreword by), Gloria Kellon (Illustrator).  Proceeds from the sale of the anthology go to the immigrant writers and artists.  

You can purchase the book from B&N here.


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