
Ginther waving and MI Homes logo

Andrew Ginther’s 2023 campaign for mayor seems to be driven almost entirely by developers and architects, whose campaign donations make up 48 percent of the $1 million the campaign has received this year. In total, Ginther received $485,609.69 from developers and architects just this year.

Included in the donations to the Ginther campaign is $13,700 from M/I Homes PAC, the political wing of M/I Homes of Central Ohio LLC, who own almost 700 properties in the county according to the auditor’s website, and $15,000 from Smoot Construction, a company that regularly receives contracts from the city and earned a place in Ginther’s 2020 State of the City Address.

Miniature houses and people

We are once again decking out Streetlight Guild for Halloween, featuring a two-floor miniature Halloween village. Our largest layout yet!

Visitors and families can come tour the village on both floors for free. We’ll be giving away candy bags for all, and those who come in costume get an extra gift! We host a family-friendly exhibit that’s only up for five days, so come get your trick-or-treat on in a safe and spooky environment!

Tuesday 10/31: 5-8

Admission: Free
The first floor of Streetlight Guild is wheelchair accessible in the back of the building by lift. Just inform us ahead of or upon your arrival and we’ll assist.

Our Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom #154 opens with a timely, critical report on Julian Assange from VINNIE DESTEFANO in Los Angeles.

We then join LINDA SEELEY from the Diablo Canyon Mothers for Peace on the status of the critical fight to keep that insane nuke shut.

CATHY WOLF updates us from Portland on the Pine Tree Alliance campaign to take over the electric utilities in Maine.

MAYA VON ROSSUM fills us in further with the power of her GREEN AMENDMENTS in states where environmental protection has been taken to another level.

In the second hour we plunge into the Israel-Palestine horror show with a series of heartfelt, highly intelligent, carefully limited three-minute statements.

This powerful, uniquely civil section includes deeply moving statements from nearly 20 people, including DAVID SALTMAN, LISSA MATROSS, VINNIE DESTEFANO, DOROTHY REIK, DENNIS BERNSTEIN, WENDI LEDERMAN, MIKE HERSH, LYNN FEINERMAN, JUSTIN LEBLANC, MYLA RESON, STEPHEN FRASER, DR. RUTH STRAUSS and many more.


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