
Joe Motil and Andy GInther

With no recognizable history or identity of its own, the Columbus anti-democratic Democratic machine—funded by Republican private interests who live outside the city that they have commanded for much of its history—are rooted in deep currents of U.S. history. Earlier this year, I compared “mayor” in name only Andy Ginther unfavorably to infamous mid-19th century New York City’s Boss Tweed. Tweed did much more for his city than Ginther can imagine.

As a life-long resident of major cities and recognized authority on cities and their histories, I must place Ginther and his anti-publics City Council and division heads in long- and short-term context.

When I was growing up in Pittsburgh, many major cities were dominated by corrupt, dishonest, self-serving Democratic machine politicians. Comparisons with loosely defined “mafia” and “mobs” were not completely imaginary. There were associations and parallels.

People protesting fracking at the Ohio Statehouse

Wednesday November 14th, 7:00 – 8:00pm
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Our GREEP zoom #156 opens as the magnificent ANDREA MILLER of the Center for Common Ground tells us about the critical election in Virginia, showing us the astounding flood of money into these key races.  It’s an amazing show of the power of corrupt funding in what’s left of our democracy.

From the labor movement we then hear PATRICK CROWLEY, AARON WAZLAVEK and JAY PONTI fill us in powerful developments in the green economy as strikes proliferate throughout the nation.  The recent rise of organized labor is one of the great unexpected successes of the new century.

MYLA RESON and TATANKA BRICCA give us critical perspectives on all this.

Then WENDI LEDERMAN tells the horrifying on-going details of the Cop City assault on Atlanta, protestors and the actual law with a wave of brutal, illegal repression.

The leaders of the world must assert common humanity and create a new path, a new map which is fair to all, and establish a new, peaceful coexistence which recognizes the inner equality of all.

We are now being presented, several times a day, with media examples of the effect of extreme violence visited on the captive people of Gaza.  The images are heartbreaking. The reality unbearable.  

Bodies of Palestinian families strewn like refuse along a road  that they had trekked as a path to safety. 

A car turns around at a checkpoint in Gaza, its occupants are hit with a shot from behind, from a tank and everything, the car and its occupants, disappear in a puff. 

A Palestinian journalist mourns his colleague, who only a half hour earlier, was reporting on air.  After work, he went home, a bomb hit, killing him and his 11-member family.

The video of his ruined house shows several children’s party dresses which lie amidst the rubble. 

The human family is in the rubble.

An ambulance convoy, filled with injured Gazans, under the supervision of medical

Blonde woman in black outfit with her head back and eyes closed

Pussy Riot performed from the stage at the A+R Bar Sunday after making an announcement “Pussy Riots isn’t a punk band. Pussy Riot is a protest performance.”

This didn’t deter a woman wearing a Bikini Kill shirt standing next to me from proclaiming “Pussy Riot is the most Punk Rock thing I’ve ever watched.”

Pussy Riot were performing Riot Days, a musical piece which is a book and movie written by Pussy Riot’s Maria Alyokhina about her stint in Russian prisons for opposing Vladimir Putin.

In 2012, Pussy Riot performed their song, “Punk Prayer” in an Orthodox Russian Church. “Punk Prayer” isn’t sacrilegious with a King Diamond intent. “Punk Prayer” invites Catholic women to oppose Vladimir Putin.

At first you might question why would Putin respond if some band didn’t like him? Two hundred fifty people in Columbus, Ohio were at this show. I saw a woman wearing a La Tigre shirt. Even with a Diplo remix. I would assume Putin wouldn’t worry about the Riot Grrl movement disliking him.

he nuclear industry’s war against renewable energy has taken center stage in California under Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, with a terrifying new development now threatening the state and nation with increased risk of intense radioactive fallout.

This week on October 24 — despite earlier assurances — Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) revealed that it will not test its 38-year-old atomic reactor in California’s Diablo Canyon for embrittlement during the current refueling outage, but instead plans to wait until the next outage in 2025 before conducting the crucial safety tests.

Embrittlement transforms a metallic reactor pressure vessel (RPV) as heat, pressure and radiation rob it of resilience. An embrittled reactor pressure vessel can shatter when coolant water is poured in during an emergency, causing massive steam, hydrogen and fission explosions.

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At the heart of Pulitzer Prize-nominated and Obie Award-winning playwright Nikkole Salter’s Lines in the Dust is the issue of a quality education for Blacks – just as it was during much of the Civil Rights movement, which was partly inspired by the struggle to desegregate America’s separate and unequal schools, from the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling to Medgar Evers’ applying to go to the University of Mississippi to the Little Rock Nine to Gov. George Wallace blocking the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama, etc. In fact, the title of Salter’s play is derived from Wallace’s 1963 inaugural speech at Montgomery where the pugnacious racist declared: “I draw the line in the dust… Segregation today… Segregation tomorrow… Segregation forever.”

Young child on floor with head in knees and stats on homeless youth

When Channel 6 news recently called John Coneglio, president of the Columbus Education Association (CEA), he knew exactly how they were going to frame their story on the Columbus City School’s levy, or Issue 11. They asked Coneglio how to explain the Ohio Education Association’s annual grade given to Columbus City Schools. They gave the district a ‘2,’ which means the district is not up to state standards.

“Find me a failing district with rich people living in it,” Coneglio told the Channel 6 reporter, owned of course by Sinclair Broadcast Group, which everyone knows is anti-union, especially unionized teachers. “If I go to Dublin, Olentangy, or Bexley, are any of these school districts failing? Why not? This is what I asked Channel 6.”

He turned the table on Sinclair Broadcasting, which comes from a position that public school teachers aren’t worth their salary, benefits, and summer break.


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