

The following statements can be attributed all or in part to the Save Ohio Parks Steering Committee:

Save Ohio Parks is deeply saddened, but not surprised that the Oil and Gas Land Management Commission decided to allow fracking under our pristine and beloved state parks, wildlife areas, and public lands when four other states have already banned fracking and we are all living in the midst of an unprecedented climate catastrophe just beginning to unfold.

That this law could even be passed in Ohio speaks to the corruption in the Ohio Statehouse today and our federal government’s failing policies and laws that continue to enable an energy policy centered on corporate greed, not the needs of the people and the planet.

The reason these five individuals were appointed to this commission by Gov. Mike DeWine was for their support of the fossil fuel industry donations and dark money, despite extensive scientific evidence for the dangers of fracking to our environment and health.


The following statements can be attributed all or in part to the Save Ohio Parks Steering Committee:

Save Ohio Parks is deeply saddened, but not surprised that the Oil and Gas Land Management Commission decided to allow fracking under our pristine and beloved state parks, wildlife areas, and public lands when four other states have already banned fracking and we are all living in the midst of an unprecedented climate catastrophe just beginning to unfold.

That this law could even be passed in Ohio speaks to the corruption in the Ohio Statehouse today and our federal government’s failing policies and laws that continue to enable an energy policy centered on corporate greed, not the needs of the people and the planet.

The reason these five individuals were appointed to this commission by Gov. Mike DeWine was for their support of the fossil fuel industry donations and dark money, despite extensive scientific evidence for the dangers of fracking to our environment and health.

Marijuana leaf and the word Ohio

The Ohio Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is issuing a strong statement opposing any proposed changes to the allocation of funds from Issue 2, particularly those suggesting the redirection of funds towards county jail construction and tax relief.

Tom Roberts, President of the Ohio NAACP, asserts, “Ohio voters spoke in a firm and unmistakable voice to support Issue 2 in its current legislative language form. The Ohio NAACP is aware of comments made by Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens suggesting one of the priorities for Issue 2 revenue should be ‘investing in county jail construction.’ Additionally, Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted said that the revenue should be used for ‘tax relief.’”

Part 1 Post November 7 Election Coverage:

We open our greep zoom #157 with TATANKA BRICCA’s brief journey into the world of Unidentified Flying Objects (now become Unidentified Airborne Phenomena) and a new federal agency confirming what officials have denied for decades.

STEVE CARUSO then updates us on the monumental popular victories in Ohio approving referenda on a woman’s right to choose and legalizing pot.But as Steve tells us, the gerrymandered right-wing Ohio legislature wants to overturn both popular votes. 

This truly astounding attack on democracy itself comes prior to a widely expected new assault on fair redistricting, which the public has repeatedly endorsed, but which the state’s GOP simply does not want to accept.

DENNIS BERNSTEIN then joins LYNNE FEINERMAN, MYLA RESON and others to take us through the horrifying deathscape of the Middle East war and the press censorship surrounding it.

Fracking area

Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 9:30 AM
Press conference prior to 10am hearing at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources building, 2045 Morse Road in Columbus.

Fracking operations drain tens of millions of gallons of water from lakes, rivers and streams, mixing it with unregulated toxic chemicals and sand to free methane gas trapped deep below the ground. Fracking also entails clearcutting forests, destroying plant, animal and insect habitats, and requires thousands of truck trips to bring in chemicals and transport wastewater from well pads.

If you want to feel the Earth move under your feet, bop on over to the La Mirada Theatre to enjoy the rock ’n’ roll extravaganza Beautiful, The Carole King Musical. This bioplay dramatizes the life story of one of pop music’s most prolific, prodigious talents, with performances of 30 sizzling songs, rather gloriously accompanied by a live 10-ish piece orchestra ensconced out of sight (but not out of earshot) in the pit fronting the stage. The title character is nothing short of the “King Klein” of rock (Klein is Carole’s birth surname), who literally started composing songs and having them recorded when the precocious, precious pianist was only 16.

Tuesday, November 14th | 7:00PM – 8:00PM Eastern Standard Time

gather with members of Third Act Ohio for an evening of learning and conversation. Join-in and hear from Third Act Central’s campaign strategist and about how we, as Ohio citizens, can accelerate our state’s transition to a clean energy supply.

Let’s magnify our power by sharing our life experience and discovering, together, our way forward.

Learn – Share – Find Ways to Act

Join online via Zoom using this link:

Encino approved route sign

A meeting for the Ohio Oil and Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) to decide whether to approve or deny fracking for four Ohio state parks and wildlife areas will be held Wednesday, November 15, at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) office, 2045 Morse Road in Columbus.

Save Ohio Parks will host a press conference outside the ODNR building on a grassy area at 9:30 am, just before the 10:30 am meeting. The public is invited.

“The OGLMC has had almost a year to educate itself on the human health effects, environmental impacts and climate concerns that would likely affect citizens, Ohio state parks and the world should these fracking leases be granted,” said Randi Pokladnik, steering committee member of Save Ohio Parks.

“We and other environmental groups and citizens have inundated the commission with thousands of emails, citing research, peer-reviewed health studies and climate data associated with fracking. Now it’s up to them to do the right thing for Ohioans by denying leases to frack under our state parks and public lands,” Pokladnik said.

Brutus Buckeye on the football field

Part One

I preface this continuing investigation with breaking news:

The Ohio State University’s Associate Chief of Campus Safety, former Columbus Police district zone director Dennis Jeffrey and Detective Cassanda Shaffer who is officially assigned to harass and intimidate me by the Office of Legal Affairs both refuse to acknowledge that “there are laws, and that my neighbors, household, and I have rights.”  All Buckeyes should take note.


In a series of essays published in early 2022, I showed that to a considerable and self-incriminating extent universities lead by slogans rather than programs, policies, relationships, and communications. And of course, slogans substitute for honesty. (See my essays on university slogans below)


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