
For decades, the struggle for national liberation in Palestine was rightly understood to be part and parcel of a global struggle for liberation, mainly in the Global South. 

 And since national liberation movements were, per definition, the struggle for indigenous people to assert their collective rights for freedom, equality and justice, the Palestinian struggle was positioned as part of this global indigenous movement. 

 Alas, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the growing dominance of the United States and its allies, the return of Western colonialism in the form of neocolonialism to Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, have localized many of the indigenous movements’ struggles. 


Thursday, January 23, 1-4pm, Wellness Forum Health, 510 E. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. G, Worthington, Ohio

Thanksgiving Day can be difficult to navigate through if the majority of your friends and family aren’t vegan like you. We have been challenged even finding a place that is open on Thanksgiving Day where there is a menu that is free from animal-based items.

Happily, the Wellness Forum Health is allowing us to use their space for a Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck! Please bring your favorite vegan dish to share. Please include what you will be bringing in the comments below so we will have a variety of items to enjoy. A card listing the ingredients in the dish you are bringing is nice to inform those who may have any allergies.

Compostable paper plates, cups, and utensils will be provided. We will have complimentary coffee, hot tea, and bottled water.

For those unable to bring food, we will need help with setup around noon and with teardown / cleanup when the event is over at 4pm.

Please contact any of the organizers with questions or concerns.

Have a very Happy Vegan Thanksgiving; we look forward to having you join us.

It is simply inaccurate to claim that the ongoing Israeli attempt to displace all, or many Palestinian refugees from Gaza to Sinai is a new idea, compelled by recent circumstances. 

 Displacing Palestinians, or as it is known in Israeli political lexicon, the ‘transfer’, is an old idea - as old as Israel itself. 

Much as I love Thanksgiving — seeing my family . . . oh the turkey, oh the cranberry sauce —I feel like maybe a bomb fragment has hit the “thanks” part.

I find myself struggling to let a sense of thankfulness flow, because when I do — and doing so has always been a crucial part of the holiday — suddenly my gratitude for the blessings of my life starts to feel more like luck and, even worse, privilege. Yeah, how nice. I’m thankful for the books in my library. I’m thankful for the air I breathe, for my daughter, my sister, my nieces and nephews and all the friendship, all the love, that fortifies my life. But then . . .

As I give thanks to the walls of my house, as I kiss the computer at which I sit, I hear bombs flying and suddenly I can envision all of it . . . all of it, all of it … being taken from me in an instant. I envision digging for a child in the rubble.

Hopewell's grave, historic photo of site people outside talking together

The state of Ohio boasts some of the most astounding ancient earthworks in the world, which, before the era of pioneer destruction, included more than 10,000 burial mounds, elaborate sets of parallel embankments that together extended at least a hundred miles, effigy mounds like the famous Serpent Mound of Adams County, and enormous precise geometric earthworks in the shapes of circles, squares, ellipses, and octagons that seem like beacons to the heavens.

Indeed, the first white settlers in Ohio believed that they had come upon the ruins of a bygone lost civilization. While staying in Chillicothe, the first state capital and where some of the most extraordinary of the earthworks reside, the painter Thomas Cole wrote in 1836:

“[H]e who stands on the mounds of the West [Ohio was then the West], the most venerable remains of American antiquity, may experience the emotion of the sublime, but it is the sublimity of a shoreless ocean un-islanded by the recorded deeds of man.”

Details about event

Greetings from Kyiv. Yesterday my city was disturbed again by air raid sirens, so I ran from Vernadsky scientific library to hide in the closest shelter,  a subway station. Ruthless Russian aggression against Ukraine continues, as well as the Ukrainian defensive war effort. Civilians are dying, cities are being bombarded on both sides of the frontline, and that is the essence of any war — aggressive or defensive — the pure evil of war, which is barbaric mass killing by definition.

Thus begins an open letter from Ukrainian peace activist Yurii Sheliazhenko. Later, he writes:

Israel continues to deliberately target residential buildings, hospitals,
schools, bakeries, flour mills, water storage facilities and other public
facilities. But they will nget to pause occasionally over the next few days
- like a rapist agreeing reluctantly to take a break occasionally. 6000
children were killed in the pointed genocidal campaign to drive Gazans to
Sinai in order to steal the natural gas off the coast of Gaza. The western
governments are still partners in the genocide even if they occasionally
start to speak of "unacceptable level of civilian deaths" (sicking language
for an ongoing genocide). Israel killed over 102 UN workers and 65
journalists to prevent the truth from coming out (largest number of
Jouranalists murdered in any conflict since WWII). The two wars go on: A war
of ethnic cleansing and genocide which is used to vent and give Israeli
soldiers the psychological satisfaction of murdering civilians because they
are losing the other war against the resistance.

There is an exchange of prisoners (as many as 150 Palestinian women and

John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the National Security State on Nov 22nd, 1963. Every high school textbook in the country says the same thing, which is that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK from the Texas School Book Depository in broad daylight, with his wife as his side. This was 5 months after his famous Peace Speech at American University (6/10/63) and only a few days after he ordered remaining troops out of Vietnam (NSAM 263).


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