
With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hellbent on genocide, people keep sharing a scandalous article from 2015 called “Netanyahu: Hitler Didn’t Want to Exterminate the Jews.” I’m afraid it may give people the wrong idea. Netanyahu’s lie was that a Muslim cleric from Palestine convinced Hitler to kill Jews. But when Netanyahu said that Hitler originally wanted to expel Jews, not murder them, he was telling the indisputable truth. The problem is that it wasn’t a Muslim cleric who convinced Hitler otherwise. And it isn’t any secret who it was. It was the world’s governments.

If you were to listen to people justifying WWII today, and using WWII to justify the subsequent 75 years of wars and war preparations, the first thing you would expect to find in reading about what WWII actually was would be a war motivated by the need to save Jews from mass murder. There would be old photographs of posters with Uncle Sam pointing his finger, saying “I want you to save the Jews!”

Details about event
Start: Sunday, October 15, 2023 • 2:00 PMEnd: Sunday, October 15, 2023 • 5:00 PMMoeller Park• 261 Hanford St, Columbus, OH 43206 USHost Contact Info:

Join our comrades from across the state, to canvass for Reproductive Freedom and enshrine the right to an abortion in the Ohio constitution! Members will be coming to Columbus from all corners of the state to help us contact voters, get out the word about Issue 1 and defeat the authoritarian right.

After the canvass, we will meet up at Classic's Victory's Sports Bar(547 S High St, Columbus, OH 43212) for pizza and drinks, child friendly restaurant.

First time canvassing? No problem, we'll provide training and pair you up with an experienced canvasser! If you are able to, download the "signal" and "MiniVAN" apps before showing up for canvassing. (If you can't download the app, that's no problem, you can still canvass!)

One person, one vote. Abortion is healthcare. Ohio is for the people.

In rural West Virginia, largely hidden among steep hills, stands a $255 million facility designed to transform fracking waste into freshwater and food grade quality salts. Proponents hailed it as one of the most important environmental projects undertaken by the oil and gas industry in recent U.S. history. But local conservation groups and residents remained skeptical from the start, warning that the plant could leak toxic waste into water and air, harming human health and ecosystems in a largely forested region where tight-knit communities live close to the land.

The facility, called Clearwater, was built by the Denver, Colorado-based oil and gas extraction company, Antero Resources, and an affiliate of Veolia, the multinational French waste, water and energy management company. It lies in the heart of north central Appalachia’s booming Marcellus and Utica gas fields — America’s top natural gas-producing region — and was built to process 600 truckloads per day of fracking wastewater. Laden with heavy metals, chemicals and other contaminants, this waste frequently exhibits levels of radioactivity hundreds of times the safe limits set by regulators.

Person testifying

Reprinted from  The Buckeye Flame

Members of the Ohio House Higher Education Committee met Wednesday to hear public testimony opposing House Bill 183 — which would ban transgender students in Kindergarten through college from using any restroom, changing room, locker room or shower room that is “accessible by multiple students at the same time.”

The bill does not acknowledge the existence of intersex people, and would require students, school administrators, educators, staff and visitors to use the restroom that aligns with the gender assigned to them on the birth certificate “issued at or near the time of [their] birth.”

Maria Bruno — public policy director for Ohio-based LGBTQ+ legal advocacy group Equality Ohio — said the bill’s language mirrors similar anti-transgender legislation:

Man posing in front of trees

Free trees have become available at our South Side (10/14) and Linden (10/21) community giveaways! Have the perfect spot in your yard for a tree? Reserve yours at

Act quick! The giveaways were previously sold out, and will likely sell out again. Insider tip: If the tree you want is sold out, you are welcome to swing by the giveaway during the last 15 minutes to check for extras due to no-shows.


Details about event

Saturday, October 14, 7-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom


• Mary Jane Borden on cannabis legislation and a tribute to longtime cannabis activist Angelica Warren

• Lynn Tramonte, Ohio Immigrant Alliance, on new Migration Anthology book and updates on immigration issues in Ohio

A “question-and-answer” will be included.

If you have announcements for the progressive community, let us know at <>.

If you have any announcements for the progressive community, contact us at <>.

Please use this Zoom link to join this event.

Hosted by The Columbus Free Press.

Facebook Event

Statehouse with Palestinian flag

More than 150 gathered at the Statehouse Thursday evening, October 12, to rally for Palestinian rights as violence continues to murder the people of the eastern Mediterranean.

Organized by students and residents alike (all of whom will remain anonymous due to right-wing efforts to discredit and ruin people fighting for human rights), the people gathered to voice their anger not just at the Israel government’s continued use of violence to justify their occupation of Palestine, but hope for a better future.


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