
Joe Motil and Mayor Ginther

Press release from Joe Motil’s campaign

Andy Ginther’s refusal to discuss the state of the city with a legitimate Democratic challenger, long-time, highly respected, and well-known civic leader is indeed a blatant sign of disrespect for the people of Columbus. It is also an insult to the democratic electoral process.

Ginther displays his daily lack of knowledge of the city for which he receives an undeserved salary.

Spewing no more than empty slogans, always placing blame on others, never accepting accountability or responsibility, and presenting a record of failure, he must be afraid to meet Joe Motil in public to debate the pressing issues that challenge the daily lives of Columbus residents and the neighborhoods they live in.

Instead, he spends his $1.2 million payoffs from those who write checks to his campaign. They, who are his partners in this city’s pay-to-play system of politics, provide Ginther the money to spew the same fraudulent election year campaign rhetoric and promises on daily television ads.

It’s all so easy to romanticize the uprising against that gray sense of isolation and helplessness we all feel every day. (New Moon on Monday by Duran Duran jumps to my own mind. No doubt each Free Press’s rebel has a favorite!)

But we mustn’t forget Rosa Luxemburg’s warning about how innocents confuse the two: the day of the uprising is what will be celebrated on anniversaries, but the revolution to change society down to its roots takes a long time, most likely many generations. It’s one thing to pick up the reins when a government collapses, but transforming society down to its roots is a much deeper and complex matter. What comes first? Do we take office to change the laws, or remodel society to the point that laws have to be changed to catch up with a new reality, some combination of the two, or something else entirely?

When Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations spoke outside the Security Council on Sunday, he said: “This is Israel’s 9/11. This is Israel’s 9/11.” Meanwhile, in a PBS NewsHour interview, Israel’s ambassador to the United States said: “This is, as someone said, our 9/11.”


While the phrase might seem logical, “Israel’s 9/11” is already being used as a huge propaganda weapon by Israel’s government -- now engaged in massive war crimes against civilians in Gaza, after mass murder of Israelis by Hamas last weekend.


Fraternity house

Part One

The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio is among the largest public universities in the United States. A minority of its undergraduates belong to fraternities and sororities whose number and membership ebb and flow over time. Regardless of those facts—or the national effort to supervise, reform and regulate, protect the rights and lives of their members from active harm, and the regular bursts of reports of illegal hazing and rape among other forms of law-breaking, fraternities and sororities rule the boost at  OSU. The contradictions—and active damages to young people, their personal and intellectual development, and their incidental and purpose damage to neighbors and environment—are significant.

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had often boasted about the readiness of his army to deal with, and to eliminate all threats to Israel's ‘security’.

 The Israeli military, too, has contributed to the Israeli hasbara that Tel Aviv would be able to face several threats at all fronts, from Gaza, to the West Bank, to Lebanon, and Syria.

 But the Hamas attack at numerous Israeli targets on Saturday, October 5, at precisely 6:00 am Palestine time, proved him utterly and humiliatingly wrong. Neither Netanyahu, nor his army were in fact able to face a single Palestinian group, operating alone, and under siege.

 It will take time for all of this to sink in among Israeli leaders, military brass, media, and society. For now, however, Netanyahu is desperate to show that Israel remains a powerful country and a regional power that deserves its often-touted status of having an ‘invincible’ army.

 But all his options are nearly impossible.

 It was obvious that Hamas, and later the Islamic Jihad, were keen on capturing as many Israelis - both soldiers, and settlers - as possible.


Bomb in Israel

As the news of violence and loss of Palestinian and Israeli life unfolds, we must be clear: this is the direct result of decades of Israeli occupation, blockade, and apartheid over millions of Palestinians. Since this latest escalation of violence began, Israeli government officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, have openly declared their intent to wreak devastation on Gaza. In spite of this, the Biden administration has already begun sending more military support to the Israeli government, and it is expected to include munitions for fighter jets and other weapons. 

Sending weapons and military support to the Israeli government when its leaders are publicly stating their violent intentions is knowingly facilitating collective punishment and war crimes. 

The U.S. already sends $3.8 billion in unconditional military funding to the Israeli military every single year, and this support for Israel's systematic oppression of Palestinians helped pave the path for the violence of this moment.   

Details about event

I was half asleep. The covers were pulled tightly over my head. My body was balled up in the fetal position and I was sucking my thumb. Something I still did when sleeping. A fly buzzed over my head, the sound woke me up completely.

“Sara. Sara. Sara!” Jean was yelling.

I felt the covers being pulled off my head. I grabbed onto the blanket and tried to keep it from coming off any further, but Jean had a good grip on it and was pulling me as well as the blanket onto the floor.

“Get up girl. It’s time to get ready for school, don’t you hear momma calling us?”

Details about event

I was half asleep. The covers were pulled tightly over my head. My body was balled up in the fetal position and I was sucking my thumb. Something I still did when sleeping. A fly buzzed over my head, the sound woke me up completely.

“Sara. Sara. Sara!” Jean was yelling.

I felt the covers being pulled off my head. I grabbed onto the blanket and tried to keep it from coming off any further, but Jean had a good grip on it and was pulling me as well as the blanket onto the floor.

“Get up girl. It’s time to get ready for school, don’t you hear momma calling us?”


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