
Who’s in Charge Here?

Certainly not the ‘Commander-in-Chief’, whether he’s a doddering old pedophile in terminal decline, or a narcissistic comb-overed con man and convicted felon.

And, certainly not ‘We The People’, the psyoped and indoctrinated masses.

Thus, the obvious and legitimate question arises, “Who’s really calling the shots – both kinetic and pharmaceutical.  Who’s really running these dis-United States?

Chief Suspects

A) A global minority ruling class with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) its most familiar public face?

(B) A Zionist network of lobbyists, Israeli intelligence agents and investment bankers, the public faces of which are AIPAC, ADL and the Mossad. Plus Israeli military and intelligence contractors like Elbit Systems and Magal Security Systems.

People walking in the woods

The life of a migrant is an unending battle for survival.   

That was the message delivered by 2023’s Io Capitano, the story of two Senegalese teens’ perilous attempt to reach Europe. And it’s a message that comes across even more terrifyingly in Agnieszka Holland’s Green Border.

The acclaimed director sets her tale in a specific time and place: the border between Poland and Belarus in 2021. The year is significant because that’s when Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko encouraged desperate people from around the world to travel to his communist country, where they supposedly would be guaranteed safe passage to Poland and the rest of the European Union.

As the film opens, we meet several people who’ve taken advantage of Lukashenko’s offer by catching a flight to Belarus. Among them are Bashir and Amina (Jalal Altawil and Dalia Naous), a Syrian couple who are traveling with an older relative and three young children. There’s also Leila (Behi Djanati Atai), an Afghan teacher fleeing Taliban persecution.  

Kwesi Low and Mogan Harper

Columbus “heat islands” are in full effect for yet another summer, but many in the community may not be aware there’s a burgeoning movement of young African American activists who are focusing their attention to climate change and seeking to reverse the damage it’s doing to our urban neighborhoods.

Kwesi Low is one of these activists (pictured above on left). He works with former Congressional candidate Morgan Harper to help run her grassroots organization Columbus Stand Up. The 41-year-old also helped run her 2020 Democrat primary campaign against Joyce Beatty, kickstarting his transition from purely community organizing to electoral politics.

Intriguing and eye-opening is how that primary in some ways mirrors the impact climate change is having on urban neighborhoods. Low admits Morgan underperformed in Ohio’s urban areas where support should have been overwhelming, but never materialized.

Almost as appalling as President Biden’s debate performance are the efforts of his loyalists to pretend that what 50 million viewers saw and heard didn’t happen or didn’t really matter. What has unfolded in the last few days amounts to a political gaslighting operation by the Biden campaign and supportive pretenders who’ve been trying to erase history as soon as it happened.

 Apparently, Biden’s ego has proven to be much more resilient than his cognition, while loved ones and sycophants in concentric inner and outer circles cling desperately to talking points that are patently dishonest, often preposterous, and virulently dangerous for prospects of preventing a second Trump presidency.

 By whistling past the graveyard of Biden’s credibility as a viable candidate in 2024, the pretenders are doing a huge disservice to all who want to avert a full takeover of the U.S. government by the fascistic Republican Party.

 Let’s start with the innermost circle -- the First Couple. The day after the debate, both sidestepped what it had shown, instead striving to make it about one man’s quest to show individual resilience.

Yes to peace - No to war

World BEYOND War is part of a large coalition that has organized a peace summit on July 6 in Washington, D.C. and a rally at the White House on July 7. These events are happening just prior to the NATO summit that begins on July 9.


Early Saturday evening on June 29, members of the Dayton Police Department chased, shot down, and ultimately killed a teenager. The shooting occurred moments after they sped into the Negley Place neighborhood, where multiple young people were gathered outside. Families were present and outside all along the neighborhood streets.

Officers have not released the names of those who fired their weapons, nor have they released many details other than heavily edited and redacted body camera footage.

Rather than invite the Bureau of Criminal Investigation to review the officers’ conduct, as is proper procedure following an officer-involved shooting in the community, the Dayton Police Department has asked close ally Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to review the incident, and has promised to conduct an internal investigation. 

Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality, The FUDGE Foundation, Black Lives Matter Dayton, and OFUPAC have the following demands – 1. BCI must be invited in to investigate the conduct of DPD both during the July 29 incident and following.


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