

The Free Press has asked this before to some high-profiled state Democrats: Who on earth is trying to turn the tide in deep-red rural Ohio?  

Shrugs and blank looks are their answers. There is no rural Dem strategy. Hasn’t been one in a long time. But there are grassroots Democrat candidates who have been pushing back, yet not being properly funded by the state party. Such as Tamie Wilson of Ohio’s 4th congressional district. She’s a mom, a small business owner, and a patriot who’s a descendant of veteran families. She’s a granddaughter of a WWII veteran and has two uncles named after Presidents.

March 19 will be Wilson’s second Dem primary. She won her first primary by herself in 2022 with just $2,500 in her campaign chest, beating a candidate who had $1 million in contributions, a team of experts, and 60 volunteers.

Man playing keyboards and drums

Saturday, March 16, 7:30-9pm, Old First Presbyterian Church, 1101 Bryden Rd.

On the evening of Saturday, March 16, we are thrilled and delighted to feature a collaboration between VR/AI/moving image artist Krista Faist and a jazz improv quintet consisting of Gerard Cox, Chris Weldon, Aaron Putnam, Chris Haas, and Bryan Stewart as part of Krista’s 2024 Fuse Factory artist residency. Opening for Krista and Gerard is experimental musician/maker Bubba Fontaine (IN).

The doors will open at 7:30pm; the show will begin at 8pm sharp.

Tickets are $8 on-line; $10 at the door.

Our 2024 artist-in-residence program is supported by mediaThe Foundation.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Contact: Mark D. Stansbery, 614-252-9255 or <

Facebook Event

Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom #169, March 11, 2024
Assange Update Is the 14th Dead? Biden SOU Your Digest Solarizing Los Angeles

First four timely quotes than seven items of relevance today

“This (Gaza) is the moral issue of our time; this is the Holocaust of our
time, this is the Trail of Tears of our time, this is the Middle Passage of
our time.” Max Blumenthal, March 7, 2024
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German
anti-Nazi dissident (1906-1945)
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities.” Voltaire (1694-1778)
“Charity provides crumbs from the table; justice provides a place at the
table" Bill Moyers

ITEM 1: What will happen if humanity survives Zionism (already pushing for
global war)
I have been writing for more than three decades about the two paths ahead
for us. I even predicted in 2018/19 that the choice made for Palestine is
pivotal (including the Gaza Strip) and  can determine global outcomes. Here
I will just briefly reiterate the outcome of the two choices
1) Enough people mobilize to transform and cause the collapse of the two
most destructive governments today: Imperial US and Zionist Israel. would
Tom Neilson

On Saturday, April 13, the Free Press Second Saturday Salon will present the satire and social commentary of folk musician Tom Neilson.

The Earth Day Birthday celebration for WGRN 91.9 FM, begins at 5:30 with socializing and an awards ceremony. It is followed by a 7:00 PM concert.  

The venue is Beach Hall at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 93 West Weisheimer Rd. in Columbus. For info contact:

Neilson is a storyteller who weaves an autobiographical sketch of songs and stories that are both historical and contemporary. He begins with his dairy farm roots and proceeds to the Vietnam War, civil rights, liberation struggles, unions, pipelines, censorship, Raytheon, breastfeeding, oligarchy, parenting, sexuality, humanism, lost loves and more.

Tom Neilson

On Saturday, April 13, the Free Press Second Saturday Salon will present the satire and social commentary of folk musician Tom Neilson.

The Earth Day Birthday celebration for WGRN 91.9 FM, begins at 5:30 with socializing and an awards ceremony. It is followed by a 7:00 PM concert.  

The venue is Beach Hall at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 93 West Weisheimer Rd. in Columbus. For info contact:

Neilson is a storyteller who weaves an autobiographical sketch of songs and stories that are both historical and contemporary. He begins with his dairy farm roots and proceeds to the Vietnam War, civil rights, liberation struggles, unions, pipelines, censorship, Raytheon, breastfeeding, oligarchy, parenting, sexuality, humanism, lost loves and more.


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