
Judge Terri Jamison

Tune in/Stream GrassRoot Ohio radio FRIDAY, Feb 23, 5pm EST at 91.9FM Columbus-streams & SUNDAY, Feb 25, 2pm at 92.7/98.3FM-streams

Carolyn Harding with Judge Terri Jamison, candidate for the Ohio Supreme Court.

CORS people posing by their banner

Thursday, February 22nd at 7pm at Enarson Classroom Building Room 206 or online at 

Discussing next steps for building support for Palestine at OSU.

The genocide continues while organizers locally are trying to build necessary support for the movement. In particular, OSU Divest and SJP OSU are running a campaign to call on OSU to divest from Israeli Apartheid, and Ohio Youth for Climate Justice, CORS, and many individuals are resisting attempts by Zionists and OSU to crack down on them and they need your help!

We welcome anyone who wants to organize for Palestine on campus, including members of other student groups, to join us to discuss next steps for organizing.

The problem is not the absence of a Palestinian state, but Zionism itself. 

 What is the use of a Palestinian state, if Zionism, as a racist, exclusivist ideology continues to define Israel, and impose that definition on the Palestinians? 

 This ideology calls for racial purity of Jews in Palestine, of course, at the expense of the native inhabitants of the land. To achieve this, millions of Palestinians had to be forced into exile, hundreds of thousands needed to be killed, wounded or incarcerated. 

 Neither two states, nor even one state is possible if Zionism is not entirely defeated - not revamped, not ‘fixed’, but eradicated. 

Excuse me as I ponder eternity — briefly.

Like it or not, this is the essence of . . . uh, aging. As I wrote a year ago: “. . . once you actually hit it — that three letter word, ‘old’ — watch out: ‘An aged man (as Wiiliam Butler Yeats pointed out, as he sailed poetically to Byzantium) is but a paltry thing,/A tattered coat upon a stick . . .’”

Nonetheless, hooray for my good fortune! I’ve been dancing around at age 77 for a while now, and before I start complaining about the aches and pains that come with it, I have to acknowledge — indeed, revere — the mere fact of making it this far. So many people don’t, due to the random will of fate, but also due to the hell of war, which remains humanity’s cancerous addiction. How can I complain when the bombs I help pay for are killing children?

Meeting with people protesting

The Oil and Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) will meet Monday, Feb. 26 at 10:30 a.m.-but a Franklin County judge may stay its decisions to award oil and gas bids to frack Salt Fork State Park and Valley Run and Zepernick wildlife areas.

EarthJustice and Ohio Environmental Council announced yesterday they filed an emergency stay to suspend and delay OGLMC orders to frack, pending a decision on the appeal by Save Ohio Parks, Buckeye Environmental Network, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers of OGLMC's Nov. 15 decision to approve nominations of these areas for fracking.

A decision by Court of Common Pleas Judge Jaiza Page on the emergency stay was requested by Friday, Feb. 25.


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