
On February 8, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was in Washington on an official visit, aimed at working jointly with the United States to make “sure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself”.

 If such a statement was made soon after the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation of October 7, one may cognize its logic, based on the well-known, inherent bias of both Washington and Berlin towards Israel. 

For its victims, war is . . . yes, hell. For the rest of us — the onlooking and supportive patriots — war is an abstraction embedded in ignorance, a.k.a., public relations, served up for public consumption.

At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be. The reality of war should never directly confront the official PR of those waging it. If it does, God help the war industry!


In the U.S. Congress, the Democrats and Republicans have been unable to reach an agreement on immigration policy governing the southern border. This is so even though the number of immigrants crossing the border illegally has risen to record levels. This post offers an explanation of the policy stalemate and what an alternative, less restrictive and less punitive policy would contain.

Current picture

Katherine Bucholz reports on the number of “migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. These include

“both migrants apprehended and those asking to enter legally but deemed inadmissible. Their numbers rose to almost 2.5 million in FY 2023 and stood at 785,000 three months into the new fiscal year, which would constitute another record if extrapolated” (

Supremes record

In the past two years, the Big 4 Wall Street banks—Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo—have provided $349 billion to fossil fuel companies, fueling the climate crisis.

Supremes record

In the past two years, the Big 4 Wall Street banks—Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo—have provided $349 billion to fossil fuel companies, fueling the climate crisis.

In his book, Mind games: The Assassination of John Lennon, Author David Whelan has collated the many pieces of evidence that Mark David Chapman did not kill John Lennon on Dec 8th, 1980. This is not a new “conspiracy theory”, as many Americans have come to this realization a long time ago. Nonetheless, thirty percent of Americans still are not willing to accept that John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F Kennedy and Malcolm X were killed by the National Security State, despite fifty plus years of research and evidence uncovered which definitively proves otherwise.

The 32 nd Pan African Film & Arts Festival, America’s largest Black-themed filmfest, is taking
place Feb. 7 – Feb. 19 in Los Angeles. During Black History Month PAFF annually screens
movies ranging from Hollywood studio productions and Hallmark Channel TV-movies to indies,
foreign films, documentaries, low budget productions, shorts, animation, etc. Films span the
spectrum from Oscar nominees to hard-to-find gems from Africa, the Caribbean, America and
beyond that L.A. viewers are unlikely to be able to see at any other venue. Here are reviews of
just a few of the films audiences have an opportunity to see.
African director Charles Uwagbai’s charming Kipkemboi is a well-made Kenyan-Canadian co-
production that has almost every ingredient for a film to succeed. In no particular order these
factors include: A David versus Goliath storyline that has you rooting for the underdog;
attractive protagonists; hiss-worthy villains; plot twists; young love; on location shooting at
exotic places; strong female characters; an uplifting POV; and more.


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