First four timely quotes than seven items of relevance today

“This (Gaza) is the moral issue of our time; this is the Holocaust of our
time, this is the Trail of Tears of our time, this is the Middle Passage of
our time.” Max Blumenthal, March 7, 2024
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German
anti-Nazi dissident (1906-1945)
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities.” Voltaire (1694-1778)
“Charity provides crumbs from the table; justice provides a place at the
table" Bill Moyers

ITEM 1: What will happen if humanity survives Zionism (already pushing for
global war)
I have been writing for more than three decades about the two paths ahead
for us. I even predicted in 2018/19 that the choice made for Palestine is
pivotal (including the Gaza Strip) and  can determine global outcomes. Here
I will just briefly reiterate the outcome of the two choices
1) Enough people mobilize to transform and cause the collapse of the two
most destructive governments today: Imperial US and Zionist Israel. would
Tom Neilson

On Saturday, April 13, the Free Press Second Saturday Salon will present the satire and social commentary of folk musician Tom Neilson.

The Earth Day Birthday celebration for WGRN 91.9 FM, begins at 5:30 with socializing and an awards ceremony. It is followed by a 7:00 PM concert.  

The venue is Beach Hall at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 93 West Weisheimer Rd. in Columbus. For info contact:

Neilson is a storyteller who weaves an autobiographical sketch of songs and stories that are both historical and contemporary. He begins with his dairy farm roots and proceeds to the Vietnam War, civil rights, liberation struggles, unions, pipelines, censorship, Raytheon, breastfeeding, oligarchy, parenting, sexuality, humanism, lost loves and more.

Tom Neilson

On Saturday, April 13, the Free Press Second Saturday Salon will present the satire and social commentary of folk musician Tom Neilson.

The Earth Day Birthday celebration for WGRN 91.9 FM, begins at 5:30 with socializing and an awards ceremony. It is followed by a 7:00 PM concert.  

The venue is Beach Hall at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 93 West Weisheimer Rd. in Columbus. For info contact:

Neilson is a storyteller who weaves an autobiographical sketch of songs and stories that are both historical and contemporary. He begins with his dairy farm roots and proceeds to the Vietnam War, civil rights, liberation struggles, unions, pipelines, censorship, Raytheon, breastfeeding, oligarchy, parenting, sexuality, humanism, lost loves and more.

The date is November 6, 2023 at 3:55 pm. The background is a home of an older Palestinian located west of Gaza City. The setting is a group of 6 Nazi fascist Israeli soldiers raiding a home in Gaza.

The narration goes like this:  “stay away, we are going to request the bombing of the top floor.  Go ahead and fire towards the top floor.

“Did you see anyone? Yes, one.  He was waiving his hands like this -showing that he has nothing.  And what did you do? I shot him with 4 bullets. Killing was fantastic.

Did he have anything? Nope, nothing. Respect my man, congratulations.”

“Had we have the artillery we could’ve finished the job easily.

Then these Nazis go back again. They see the old man lying next to the bed, motionless and dead. They fire at him again.

The outcome? The summary execution of Uncle Atta, a 73-year old deaf man who was waiving to these Nazis not to shoot. Outside his home, these Nazi members of the Israel Death Forces (IDF) went into a rampage of executing 50 more innocent civilians.

All this was recorded by a camera of one of these Nazis fascist members of the IDF.

This is a war crime, plain and simple.

Zerqa holding sign

Friday, March 15, 2024, 3:00 PM
Organized by Zerqa Abid for Congress.  
Bring your Keffiyehs and ballots.  
Location:  1700 Morse Road, Columbus 43229.


Franklin County Treasurer Cheryl Brooks Sullivan has purchased $10.5 million in Israel Bonds since Israel began bombing Gaza in the aftermath of October 7, bringing the total 2023 investment to $14.5 million and pushing the county’s total holdings to $33 million.

Joe BIden


One of the paradoxes of the U.S. political system is how an anti-democratic Trump can win the support of sections of the white male working class, despite Biden’s relatively strong economic policies in support of this class. The present post explores this paradox.

It may not make that much of a difference in the November presidential elections how these workers vote, but their vote totals are still significant because of the number of white male working class people. And  it is worrisome that they are presently a major Trump constituency and have been influenced by his MAGA rhetoric, with its anti-immigrant, racist, anti-democratic, and pro-gun, rants as well as his strongman image. If the trends of the last few decades continue, whether Trump wins in November or not, their support of Trump appears, unfortunately, to be unwavering.

Biden’s State of the Union speech


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