
Europe stayed silent when Israel began pounding the besieged Gaza Strip with the kind of ferocity that could only lead to a genocide. In fact, Europe remained silent when the word ‘genocide’ quickly replaced the earlier reference to the ‘Israel-Hamas war’, starting on October 7.

 Those familiar with Europe’s political discourse and action regarding Israel and Palestine, must already realize that most European governments have always been on the side of Israel.

 However, if this is entirely true, what can we make of the latest comments by the Foreign Policy Chief of the European Union, Josep Borrell, when he seemed to lash out at Israel on January 23, accusing it of “seeding hate for generations”?

Older white man

University presidents, chancellors, and vice-chancellors come and go with unusual frequency today. The average tenure has fallen from 8 to 6 years. News of firings and resignations, and less often hirings fill the front pages of national and higher education dailies. At the same time, major universities seem to learn nothing from their experiences.

Although final decisions rest with Boards of Trustees or Governors—in ageless academic rhetoric, and in the case of public universities in some states final approval by elected state governors, even the pretense of a full, inclusive, clear procedural, and all major interest groups participating search is now rare. Ohio State and Youngstown State exemplify the trends toward minimal input, scant participation, and increasingly unqualified selections.

Most members of the legislature should be well acquainted with the HB 6 fiasco that ultimately led to a 20-year prison sentence for former Speaker of the Ohio House Larry Householder. At the center of the scandal was the supposed need for a $1 billion, publicly-funded bailout for two nuclear reactors, Davis-Besse outside of Toledo and Perry, northeast of Cleveland. To further the scam, FirstEnergy, the owner of the reactors at the time, placed them in bankruptcy in March 2018. 

In six short years, however, the two nuclear reactors have gone from being bankrupt and needing a billion-dollar bailout to Perry operating so well its current owner, Energy Harbor (EH), has asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to extend its operating license for another 20 years. But as can be seen in the linked article, neither the NRC nor EH care to address pesky questions from the public such as is the energy from the Perry nuclear plant even needed in the first place? 


The City of Columbus Land Bank’s purpose is to bring vacant land and structures back into productive use. It often collaborates with the Franklin County Land Bank. Most Land Banks acquire properties that are abandoned or seized for unpaid taxes. Occasionally, property is donated. Newly acquired structures are inspected to determine if they should be demolished or rehabilitated. 

Technically, taxpayers own land bank property. However, The Land Bank in Columbus determines to whom they sell property and are tasked with ensuring the planned use complies with their own rules, city environmental code and ultimately to benefit the community. In blighted, poverty-stricken neighborhoods, the Land Bank can promote positive improvements. Yet, it seems to fail repeatedly.

The Land Bank’s process to buy their properties is complicated and exhausting – many individuals give up along the way. However, properties are being sold to investors whose job it is to master the process, then sit on property for years if not decades and resell at a profit. Some applicants pose as a single family home builder or seller then build rental units instead.

Details about event

I Was Once You & You Will be a Better Me is a three-part project that will use various art forms (poetry/monologues/performing arts/music/film) to bridge the gap between parents/guardians/grandparents and their children/grandchildren. The goal of this project is to develop a better relationship between them and hopefully the community where they live by learning what each other values about themselves and each other and sharing it in an artistic way. Sessions will be held at the Columbus Metropolitan Shepard Branch Library from March 2nd to May 25th, 2024, on Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. There will be a free community event and reception in June so that the participants can perform and share their creative work with family and friends.

*Participants must live in the Northeast Area of Columbus, Ohio which includes

Zip Codes: 43211, 43219, & 43224.  Youth need to be between the ages of twelve (12) and eighteen (18) years of age.


Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost held a press conference January 30 to announce legislation to bring the gas chamber to Ohio so that once he is elected governor, he can resume executions - this time with horrific nitrogen gas asphyxiation.  Wow.


Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost held a press conference January 30 to announce legislation to bring the gas chamber to Ohio so that once he is elected governor, he can resume executions - this time with horrific nitrogen gas asphyxiation.  Wow.

Will  new president  Ted “Top Gun” Carter finally announce that the senior administration moved across the street from the campus itself in July, and place a sign on 15 E. 15th Ave., other than Smashburger’s and Chicken Tenders?  And on Bricker Hall, now unannounced home to the Department of Economics?

His opening remarks to the Columbus Dispatch (Jan. 12, 2024): “I believe I’m where I’m supposed to be.” “Carter said he now gets to the chief spokesperson for Ohio State and what it stands for…. ‘I’m looking forward to making sure [Ohio elected officials]  know that we’re going to be doing the right things for the right reasons here at Ohio State.’”

Will OSU finally turn off the indoor lights overnight at 15 E. 15th Ave., and reduce its use of fossil fuels across campus, despite years of promises? And finish the first floor of University Square South which is now unsuitable for human use including for Buckeyes’ scrimmages?

Citizens United snow globe

“I ate breakfast last week with the president of a network news division and he told me that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues for his news division come from pharmaceutical ads.  And if you go on TV any night and watch the network news, you’llsee they become just a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.”-- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - See more at:

"Slavery is the legal fiction that a person is property. Corporate personhood is the legal fiction that property is a person."-- Anonymous

Our gathering begins with former Google executive AHMED MUSTAFA and a deep dive into the politics of the world’s leading search engine.  

With power and clarity, Ahmed, among other things, issues a stark warning on the challenges being posed to our future by Artificial Intelligence.

JOHN STEINER asks for specifics on Ahmed’s campaign for Congress now navigating the primaries in Silicon Valley.


TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service updates us on the horrendous Senate decision to remove Commissioner Jeff Baran from the Nuclear Regulator Commission, proving beyond any lingering doubt that any member of the NRC who values public safety over private profit will not remain.

MYLA RESON updates us on our YouTube presence and asks for your thumbs up!

MIKE HERSH then introduces us to “local hero” KEN BAWERS, who gives us a very impressive deep dive into the demanding world of Stormwater Control and his battles with the $25 billion Riverine Restoration industry.


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