
Sometimes there’s a thin line between vile demagoguery and pure idiocy. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi straddled both during a Sunday appearance on CNN, when she smeared protesters who’ve been demanding a ceasefire to end Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian people in Gaza.

“The former House speaker said, without offering evidence, that she believed some protesters are connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin,” NPR reported.

Book cover

What if you were forced to pack your belongings and leave your family, friends, career, home, and life behind? Could you say good-bye to everyone and everything you love, not knowing if you will see them again? That is what deportation is: permanent banishment from your home, family, friends, and job, from a life built over years. It is an extreme action that causes lasting harm to everyone it touches.

From 2022 to 2023, Maryam Sy, an organizer with the Ohio Immigrant Alliance (OHIA), spent hundreds of hours interviewing over 250 people who were deported to find out what they wanted the world to know.

“A lot of these people went through, I think, the hardest part of their life when they were deported,” she reflected. “Because it was like a broken hope, like the government broke their hope. They came to America to seek asylum for a better life.”


I watched Mom lock the door after the policeman left and ducked out of sight so she wouldn’t see me. I was supposed to be upstairs in bed, but when she went to the bathroom to take her shower, I came down to the kitchen to get a drink of grape Kool-Aid, my favorite. I was on my way back upstairs when he knocked on the door. I froze in the middle of the steps, thinking “Oh crap, I’m gonna get it.”

“Sara! Get the door please.” Mom yelled at me, thinking I was still in my bedroom. Before I could turn around to go back down the stairs to open the door, he knocked again.

“Sara! Open the door, I’m in the bathroom girl!” Mom yelled louder.

“OK Mom, I’m getting it.” As I got to the last step, he started banging on the door all hard and everything, and I knew that Mom was gonna come out of that bathroom and handle this person because she hated it when people knocked hard on her door. Said people needed to learn how-to knock-on people’s doors like they had some sense. Only people that knocked that hard she said had “better be the police or have a damn good excuse for knocking like that on my door.” Sure nuff, Mom came storming out of the bathroom towards the steps. 

Today 26 January 2024 (after 112 days of carnage), the International Court
of Justice issued a decision /injunction with six "provisional" measures
(available here
amd will continued deliberation. The six provisional measures requested are
an important win for human rights and could be a game changer even as
Israel tried to dismiss them..... more at

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the Forum – I mean Geffen Playhouse: A motorcade of truly presidential proportions waylaid traffic, with siren-blaring, orders-giving motorcycle cops squealing via loudspeakers and SUV-type vehicles tying up traffic, so some self-important high-muck-a-muck could impose a mini-police state over Westwood in order to reach some destination. The thought crossed my mind: Either Trump has launched his pig putsch or is Kamala going to watch POTUS on the boards? Through some deft maneuvering I managed to make my way through the pig-created traffic jam (your tax dollars at work!) and reach the Geffen in time for the curtain, with, thankfully, no White House pompous bigwig in sight. (Ironically, a POTUS press release I received had this in the subject line: “POTUS is Now in L.A. (Without the traffic.)” Can I sue for false advertising?)

The reader is directed to this article at Popular Resistance to visualize the suffering of Palestinians.What is the story with UNRWA? If Israel succeeds in liquidating the
Palestinian cause, will the whole globe be at risk of a global war that
ends humanity? And what does sex extortion and people movement have to do
with it? Read on for this serious subject.....

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Ceasefire Now

Recent breaking news alert after alert have all had the same devastating message: The United States, at President Biden’s direction, has bombed multiple sites across Yemen. Today, the risk of an all-out regional war in the Middle East is higher than it has been in years. Over the past several weeks, the Houthis, who form the de facto government in much of Yemen, have launched numerous attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. They claim it’s in response to Israel’s deadly war in Gaza — and as violence like this continues to spill across the region, the U.S. government must be steadfast in its restraint and calls to see the violence end.  Unfortunately, another round of U.S.


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