

The Columbus Blues Alliance was recently awarded the prestigious “Keeping the Blues Alive” award by the Blues Foundation.

The Blues Foundation is the international organizing body of blues music worldwide and presents the Keeping the Blues Alive (KBA) Awards to individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the Blues world.

The KBAs are awarded to non-performers based on merit by a select panel of Blues professionals who recognize individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to Blues music.

The Columbus Blues Alliance was selected due to its longstanding and tireless efforts to infuse Columbus, OH with blues music, performances and culture.


The Columbus Blues Alliance was recently awarded the prestigious “Keeping the Blues Alive” award by the Blues Foundation.

The Blues Foundation is the international organizing body of blues music worldwide and presents the Keeping the Blues Alive (KBA) Awards to individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the Blues world.

The KBAs are awarded to non-performers based on merit by a select panel of Blues professionals who recognize individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to Blues music.

The Columbus Blues Alliance was selected due to its longstanding and tireless efforts to infuse Columbus, OH with blues music, performances and culture.


Starbucks workers continue to win union organizing victories in stores across the country, as workers at the Worthington store overwhelmingly voted to join Starbucks Workers United. With a unanimous vote of 22-0, partners at Worthington became the 12th Starbucks location in Ohio to join Starbucks Workers United in one of the most rapidly growing organizing campaigns in modern history. 

"Starbucks is making it increasingly clear that they will sacrifice the health and safety of their retail workers for its bottomline,” said Raquel Spiezio (she/her), a shift supervisor who has worked at Starbucks for more than ten years. “It is time for Starbucks to be held accountable for the decisions that impact thousands. The deep-seated problems created by this company’s unsustainable standards can be solved. I am so proud of the unified front we have presented in this exciting venture. Our partners are the very best, and we would be nowhere without our shared strength and determination.”

Homeless people out in the cold

On Tuesday night, a Free Press reporter was driving on 71 South and began descending the Greenlawn Avenue exit where the now shuttered Thurns’ butcher shop is directly to the right. As some know and often see, on the left side of the exit in a narrow area of gravel is a male houseless person and his dog. For several years now they have set up a make-shift artist camp here.

His paintings and sketches ask for kindness and a handout in a quirky loving way. As one recent sign stated, “Needing a Space Ship to leave Earth.”

The Free Press reporter rolled down his window and asked: “We’re you not able to get a bed tonight at a shelter?”

The artist quickly replies: “No! They don’t take pets.”

His plight in bone-chilling temperatures is just one of several stories to emerge this week showing how chaotic and challenging it is to protect the community’s houseless from severe cold. Some houseless refuse to leave their tent at night fearing their belongings will be taken. Houseless couples refuse to be separated, as warranted by some shelters. And there is one warming center which does allows pets, it is on the Eastside.

Law number one in the ‘law of holes’, is that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Law number two, “if you are not digging, you are still in a hole”. 

 These adages sum up Israel’s ongoing political, military and strategic crises, 100 days following the start of the war on Gaza. 

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was faced by the unprecedented challenge of having to react to a major attack launched by Palestinian Resistance in southern Israel on October 7. 

 This single event is already proving to be a game changer in the relationship between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Its impact will be felt for many years, if not generations, to come.

 Netanyahu was already in a hole long before the Al-Aqsa Flood operation took place, and he has no one else to blame but himself. 

John Colella’s An Extraordinary Ordinary Man is a paean to the writer/actor’s dad and his
Italian-American clan. In his autobiographical one-man show Colella lovingly, vividly brings his
family alive onstage, regaling the audience with vignettes from his youth, growing up amidst the
family business in Chicago. Claudio Pastry was established by Colella’s immigrant grandfather,
who arrived penniless from the Mother Country and created an enduring, thriving business that
was passed down to the playwright’s father.
The bakery became the center of the family’s existence. When John was a child, he relished
learning all of the tricks of the baker’s trade, as well as devouring delicious desserts baked right
on the premises. In the play, indulging in paisano pastries such as cannolis and eclairs, little John
amusingly muses that it was as if he had his own private, personal “Willy Wonka.” He also
idolized his dad, a baker so skillful that to his son, his pop was a three-star-plus Michelin chef,
imbued with mystical flour power.
However, to his son’s surprise, John Sr. would repeatedly counsel his lad to “be anything but a

Thursday 18 January 2024 3PM EST (10 PM Palestine) Professor Mazin
Qumsiyeh  Talk "Under the gun in Palestine: Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and
resistance."  The War Industry Resisters Network. Register here:

Also For those who speak arabic: talk Thursday 18 January 11 AM Palestine
time on environmental impact of war (email me for link)

Saturday Jan 20, 2024 11:00 AM Arizona Time (8 AM Palestine time)
Topic: Resistance in the time of Apartheid & Genocide with Drs. Mazin
Qumsiyeh & Jeff Halper: Via Zoom


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