
Details about event

Monday, January 15, 11am-4pm, Ohio History Center, 800 E. 17th Ave.

The Ohio History Connection presents the annual MLK Open House. Celebrate the life and legacy of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King through visual and performing art performances. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the impact of Dr. King’s teachings and learn how his work changed the trajectory of the country.

Admission is free, but pre-registration is strongly recommended.

We will also be hosting a donation drive for Star House, a space for teens and young adults, to continue Dr. King’s legacy in acts of service to local communities. You may learn more about the mission of Star House on their website.

Most-needed items include the following:

• Winter coats

• Large insulated gloves and wool socks

• Winter hats

• Hand warmers

• New underwear for men and women (boxers/boxer briefs preferred for men)

• Sweatpants

• Leggings

• Solid color T-shirts

• Backpacks

• Blankets

• African American hair care products (oils and gels)

• Large new towels

Palestinian woman and flag

The January Free Press Second Saturday Salon was held on January 13 over Zoom.

Listen to the recording here.

Mark Stansbery of the Free Press Board, talked about the salon theme, ending militarism and building community. He introduced the first speaker, Rosan Eldadah. Rose relayed the tragic story of how she lost six family members, including small children, in Gaza during horrendous attacks by the IDF on civilians. Rose herself was harassed by the IDF prior to the current war and her family members detained and tortured.

The next speaker was Shayna Solomon, representing Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). She spoke about the work of JVP and their events in Columbus. Both Rose and Shayna emphasized the Israeli oppression and violence of Palestinians that had been going on long before the current situation and the importance of assuring that whatever changes may happen, the horror cannot continue past this war.

Woman teaching a college class

Especially in the United States but across the world, we witness a stunning recurrence of an at least 60 year old tradition. University presidents, most loudly former university presidents, publicly blame faculty—most directly tenured professors-—or the  many problems of  higher education today.

There are many motivations. Prominent today are selling books, deflecting all responsibility for their own and other institutions failings away from themselves and on to anyone else; and running for elective office.

In the 1960s and 1970s, faculty and also students were blamed for universities’ awkward and contradictory stances on civil rights and then anti-war movements. Later, it was affirmative action broadly defined from equal opportunity to Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, among many manipulated themes, intended to distract attention from administrative failures of leadership and refusal to accept responsibility. These illegitimate, unprofessional manipulations typically contradict administrators’ wholesale statements about the roles of colleges and universities in the social, moral, and civic orders.

Four people posing at a desk

Sunday, January 14, 2024, 2:00 PM
Join Indivisible Central Ohio Friends and Neighbors for our "Kick Gerrymandering to the Curb" Kick off Meet and Greet! Pick up petitions, get shirts and other gear, sign up for events, get tips and tricks, and meet the team as we get set to collect a mountain of signatures and finally end gerrymandering in Ohio! 
Location:  First Unitarian Univeralist Columbus, 93 W. Weisheimer Road.  

Four people posing at a desk

Sunday, January 14, 2024, 2:00 PM
Join Indivisible Central Ohio Friends and Neighbors for our "Kick Gerrymandering to the Curb" Kick off Meet and Greet! Pick up petitions, get shirts and other gear, sign up for events, get tips and tricks, and meet the team as we get set to collect a mountain of signatures and finally end gerrymandering in Ohio! 
Location:  First Unitarian Univeralist Columbus, 93 W. Weisheimer Road.  

Four people posing at a desk

Sunday, January 14, 2024, 2:00 PM
Join Indivisible Central Ohio Friends and Neighbors for our "Kick Gerrymandering to the Curb" Kick off Meet and Greet! Pick up petitions, get shirts and other gear, sign up for events, get tips and tricks, and meet the team as we get set to collect a mountain of signatures and finally end gerrymandering in Ohio! 
Location:  First Unitarian Univeralist Columbus, 93 W. Weisheimer Road.  

Details about event

Saturday, January 13, 7-8pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Facebook event

Local efforts to
We will discuss the situation in Gaza and Israel with speakers:
Rosan Eldadah
Shayna Solomon, Jewish Voices for Peace, Central Ohio Chapter
And more!

Q & A included.

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Meeting ID: 839 0659 0837


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