
Nuclear blast

You can see the documentary, "Nuked," about the brutal history of nuclear weapons tests through the 1950's by the U.S in the Marshall Islands, to understand their struggle and see a bit of their coming together with the Western Shoshone in Nevada over the destruction and dispossession of indigenous people in service of the U.S. nuclear war machine.  The Shoshone leader Ian Zabarte appears prominently in this, bringing the two peoples together.  It's free and online from February 7-13, 2024.

Here's how to watch the documentary:  Go to this link: NUKED DOCUMENTARY.  Enter the code: SayNoToNukes.  Enjoy the film!  

Details about event

In 2023, the United States experienced a record number of weather-and climate-related disasters that each caused $1 billion or more in damages: 28 severe storms, floods, wildfires, winter storms, hurricanes, and droughts, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Since 1980 the United States has experienced 376 billion-dollar of these events, with 16,340 deaths and damages totaling $2.6 trillion.

The insurance industry stands on the front lines of this climate crisis. Every time a climate-related fire, flood, or storm damages or destroys an insured person’s home or business, they expect their insurance policy to help foot the bill for repairs and rebuilding.

Abandoning policy holders in a climate crisis…


Don't got to be grown

Jimmy sat down heavily on his bed taking off his shoes and socks. He lay down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Today had been a rough day, Slim Jim called off work and he had to drive one of the cabs himself because they had gotten so backed up with calls. When Jimmy got back to the office there was a note on his desk saying that Detective Richardson had stopped by again and to call him as soon as he got back.

“Sissy!” Jimmy yelled as he flopped down in his chair behind the desk.

Sissy rushed into the room with a bottle of RC Cola in her right hand and a hotdog in the left. She took a big swig of the drink and a bite out of the hotdog and sat down in the chair in front of the desk, placing the bottle of pop on the desk and taking another bite of her hotdog.

“Man, it has been a hell of a day here without you! This is the first time I got a chance to eat my lunch, which is now dinner. This is the third time Slim Jim has called off in two months. You need to replace him boss man.”

“What time did that cop come by here?”

Ceasefire banner

Monday, February 12, 2024, 4:30 PM.  Emergency Rally to Call for Ceasefire in Gaza.   Cardboard signs, hot tea and handwarmers, safe community, and calls to action will be provided.  This action will be led by progressive Palestinian and Jewish community members.  All are welcome. Location:  Outside Senator Brown’s office, 200 N. High St.  For more information you can email to

Monday, February 12, 2024, 5:00 PM.  Show Up for Palestine.  Join us at city hall again as we let the Columbus city council know we’re here and not going anywhere until a ceasefire resolution is passed.  Location:  90 W. Broad St., Columbus.  You must have a valid Ohio ID to enter. 

The 32nd Pan African Film & Arts Festival, America’s largest Black-themed filmfest, is taking place Feb. 7 – Feb. 19 in Los Angeles. During Black History Month PAFF annually screens movies ranging from Hollywood studio productions and Hallmark Channel TV-movies to indies, foreign films, documentaries, low budget productions, shorts, etc. Films span the spectrum from Oscar nominees to hard-to-find gems from Africa, the Caribbean, America and beyond that L.A. viewers are unlikely to be able to see at any other venue. Here are reviews of just a few of the films audiences have an opportunity to see.  


People on Zoom

The theme of the salon was “ Building Community for Black Liberation.” It was available live on Zoom and Facebook Live.

Link to salon video

Mark Stansbery, Free Press Board member, started out the February salon by introducing Aramis Malachi-Ture Sundiata, Executive Director of the  People's Justice Project. He spoke about colonialism and how the struggle for African people began when the first African was kidnapped. Europeans attacked and enslaved the African people taking the continent's resources with force both material and human to build their own economies. . . Africans were robbed the right to produce and recruit life for themselves.”


Reprinted with new introduction for the elementary literacy education of the Ohio  State Legislature, February 2024

As a historian of literacy, I published this critique of so-called “financial literacy” on January 23, 2022. There is no such subject or object as “financial literacy.” There is reading, writing, and arithmetic together brought together to understand economic matters within specific historical, social, political, and cultural contexts. “Financial literacy,” as I made clear below, is a false product sold by marketers and bought by state legislatures like Ohio’s.

It almost certainly does little good especially for high schools. It is divorced from the study and teaching of history, economics, politics, and arithmetic itself. It is orthodox right-wing ideology, not a “life style” or “preparation” for work. It is the sold and bought and product of fears of decline.


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