Articles by Author

30 August 2023

Harold Pinter was a prolific playwright and screenwriter. I enjoyed the 1960s films he’d written the screenplays for, The Servant and Accident, which were...

20 August 2023


Backstage at Carnegie Hall during the mid-1980s I found myself standing next to a tall, older gentleman. Looking up, I gasped, realizing I was in...

15 August 2023

Movie Against Child Abductions

Movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn reputedly once snarked: “If you want to send a message, use Western Union!” But one way...

13 August 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son/nephew of a political dynasty and current candidate for president

running in the Democratic Party primaries, is widely...

06 August 2023

Hard on the heels of the Debbie Allen-directed Fetch Clay, Make Man (see: https://...

30 July 2023

In what passes for “political discourse” in our benighted country, some contend there were “benefits” to slavery, from the antebellum South’s plantations to...
