
Articles by Author

Kroger sign in front of store and face of Kroger executive
07 September 2022

In the aftermath of the pandemic, a worker uprising could soon boil over at Kroger stores throughout Central Ohio. The uprising is not...

Police bodycam footage
02 September 2022

Once again, a trigger-happy Columbus police officer shot and killed an unarmed Black man. Police bodycam footage shows at least four officers and a police...

Kroger ballot
31 August 2022

Central Ohio rank-and-file Kroger employees, who are also United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) 1059 members, for a second time in a month...

Two men getting arrested
29 August 2022

Joe Motil, former Columbus City Council candidate and longtime community advocate who has begun circulating petitions to run for Mayor in the 2023 May...

People on strike
29 August 2022

Now that Columbus City Schools (CCS) teachers are back in schools, they have a simple request of Superintendent Dr. Talisa Dixon and her allies on the Board...

Joe Motil
23 August 2022

Joe Motil, former Columbus City Council candidate and 37-year community advocate who is  circulating petitions to run for mayor in the 2023 May primary...
