Jason Leopold is an American investigative reporter known for his work at Truthout as a senior editor and reporter, He is currently working for Al Jazeera America as an investigative reporter. Leopold has written stories on BP, Enron, the California Energy Crisis, the Bush administration's torture polices, and the Plame affair. His pieces have been published in Asia Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, CBS MarketWatch, The Nation, and Utne.com Leopold has also written about foreign and domestic policy online for publications such as Alternet, CounterPunch, Common Dreams, Dissident Voice, The Huffington Post, Political Affairs Magazine, The Raw Story, Scoop, ZNet.

Articles by Author

08 June 2005
Beware. This could be your tax dollars at work.

The federal government may guarantee hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to help a former energy...

01 June 2005
Tuesday's revelation that W. Mark Felt, the former number two man at the FBI, was the anonymous source known as Deep Throat, who helped Bob Woodward and Carl...
16 January 2005
In the bizarro world that President Bush lives in, it pays—literally—to be a miserable failure, a criminal and a corporate con man. Those are just some of the...
19 December 2004
Sinclair Broadcasting Group has tried to influence the outcome of elections long before the media company became a lightning rod for criticism due to its...
18 October 2004
When the Iraqi Survey Group released its long awaited report last week that said Iraq eliminated its weapons programs in the 1990s, President George W. Bush...
08 October 2004
During Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate, Dick Cheney defended his tenure as Halliburton’s CEO when Sen. John Edwards rightfully called into question...
