Jason Leopold is an American investigative reporter known for his work at Truthout as a senior editor and reporter, He is currently working for Al Jazeera America as an investigative reporter. Leopold has written stories on BP, Enron, the California Energy Crisis, the Bush administration's torture polices, and the Plame affair. His pieces have been published in Asia Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, CBS MarketWatch, The Nation, and Utne.com Leopold has also written about foreign and domestic policy online for publications such as Alternet, CounterPunch, Common Dreams, Dissident Voice, The Huffington Post, Political Affairs Magazine, The Raw Story, Scoop, ZNet.

Articles by Author

19 August 2004
It’s obvious that no mainstream news reporter has the gumption to seriously question Vice President Dick Cheney’s ethics when he was chief executive of...
09 August 2004
It’s official. I’m a conspiracy theorist.

I’m probably one of thousands -- maybe tens of thousands -- who believe President George W. Bush will...
14 June 2004
Federal energy regulators have just released more than 400 pages of documents that suggest former Enron chairman Ken Lay and former chief executive Jeff...
13 May 2004
One of the many missteps that led to the unraveling of Gray Davis' decades long political career was the way in which the former governor of California handled...
02 May 2004
A few days before Arnold Schwarzenegger was sworn in as the 38th Governor of California last year he stood on the steps of the capital building in Sacramento...
15 April 2004
Get ready for another jolt this summer. California energy officials are expected to issue a startling report next week warning that the state is going to be...
