
Articles by Author

09 July 2024

I tried to cross into Jerusalem today (where I used to be a highschool
teacher) and was denied by the apartheid colonizers. My wife too. Our US

09 November 2023

Thomas Mann (1875 - 1955): "War is a cowardly escape from the problems of

Today Israeli occupation forces attacked more hospitals in...

26 November 2017

Zionism is a colonial movement invented in the 19th century to transform a
multi-religious Palestine to the apartheid “Jewish state of Israel”. It...

31 July 2017

Existence is Resistance: The Palestine Museum of Natural History with Dr.
Mazin Qumsiyeh ...

23 May 2017

President Trump is in Saudi Arabia where he will instruct his puppets then
go to apartheid Israel where get further instructions from his masters. He...

19 December 2004
The forces of empire are encountering stiff public resistance at home and abroad. Here are glimpses:

- The Israeli army executed 6 Palestinians...
