
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

24 September 2020

Is this the future, leaking into the present moment?

“You have good genes, you know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes...

17 September 2020

Shut up and let corporate America — and also, for that matter, corporate Taiwan — get on with its business. We have ethane to crack and plastic to produce....

09 September 2020

When I ponder the likelihood of looming electoral chaos — uncounted votes, a defeated president who won’t leave office, the possible termination of American...

03 September 2020


Yeah, it’s everywhere ... not just in grocery store aisles and department stores and every other commercial outlet you can think of, not...

19 August 2020

“There’s something happening here/What it is ain't exactly clear . . .”

Or is it?

Day one of the Democratic National (virtual) Convention. ...

14 August 2020

“They were covered with blood and burned and blackened and swollen, and the flesh was hanging from the bones. Parts of their bodies were missing, and some...
