
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

17 January 2020

One thing that becomes clear to me when I wander into the world, and the minds, of geopolitical professionals—government people—is how limited and linear...

08 January 2020

These were the words that did it, that knocked the composure out of me. I was standing at what felt like the heart of Chicago on a January afternoon, corner...

20 December 2019

The annual defense budget, ...

12 December 2019

My God, they put Jesus and his parents ...

06 December 2019

Let’s bomb Iowa! Or maybe Texas or Michigan or Nebraska . . .

Oh wait, I got confused for a second. Those places are part of America and we love them...

20 November 2019

“Somebody ought to put a bullet in her skull. Back in the day, our forefathers would have put a bullet in her [expletive].”

