Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

14 March 2016

“What I’m not trying to do is just pass legislation. I’m trying to change the face of American politics.”

Pull these words out of the context of “the...

03 March 2016

It’s the day after the big vote and I’m doing my best to dig Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders out from beneath the pile of Super Tuesday...

26 February 2016


A young, much-beloved woman was gang-raped three years ago on a bus in Delhi and a culture exploded.


18 February 2016

For at least the last four decades now I feel like I’ve been living in Beached America: a nation that has lost its values, even as it writhes in violent...

11 February 2016

Maybe if we declared “war” on poison water, we’d find a way to invest money in its “defeat.”


06 February 2016

“It was also a shock to the system that a candidate universally known in Iowa, with deep pockets and long experience, could come close to losing to a...
