
11 April 2018

The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media…We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” – William Colby, Ronald Reagan’s...

16 February 2018

Once upon a time in the United States there was a general perception that organizations like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were both apolitical and high-minded, existing only to...

15 January 2018

When an intelligence agency arranges to disseminated fake news it is called “disinformation” and it is a subset of what is referred to as covert action, basically secret operations run in a foreign country to influence opinion or to...

01 January 2018


onduras is bleeding now, and Honduran blood runs from the hands of President Trump and Gen. John Kelly, long a vicar of American violence...

08 December 2017

Donald Trump is tweeting about a particular spot in Hawaii. He visited it recently on his way to threaten war in Asia. It’s a big feature this week in lots of U.S. magazines and newspapers. It has a lovely name that sounds like murder...

10 November 2017

James Angleton set the strategy in 1964.  “Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission,” as one CIA memo about Warren Commission inquiries put it....


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