
30 July 2007
In 56 of Ohio's 88 counties, ballots and election records that would reveal whether the 2004 election was stolen have been "accidentally" destroyed.

Two-thirds of Ohio counties have destroyed or lost their 2004...
30 July 2007
It is time to think about the "unthinkable."

The Bush Administration has both the inclination and the power to cancel the 2008 election.

The GOP strategy for another electoral theft in 2008 has taken clear shape...
27 July 2007
We've been long warned that foreign policy is like making sausage – you don't want to know the gory details. The same is true of electronic vote counting on the so-called e-voting machines, or DREs.

Earlier this month, the...
26 July 2007
Those who would dismiss out of hand our allegations of election fraud are fond of claiming that there is not a "shred of evidence" to substantiate our charges. To the contrary, there are millions of shreds of evidence in Ohio. In at...
25 July 2007
On June 29, 2007, I was asked to assist Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips and Marj Creech with the photographing of 2004 ballots. It was an exhilarating experience, we were all so happy. The reason for our joyous mood, was that time was far...


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