
02 June 2007
Tim Griffin, formerly right hand man to Karl Rove, resigned Thursday as US Attorney for Arkansas hours after BBC Television ‘Newsnight’ reported that Congressman John Conyers requested the network’s evidence on Griffin’s involvement in ‘...
18 May 2007
Al Gore has just made his second major contribution to our national political dialog. 

His first, "An Inconvenient Truth," has helped make the perils of global warming real to the American mainstream.

Now his "...
17 May 2007
"My report on Being a Poll Worker in Ohio in the May 8, 2007 Election

First I want to say that poll workers are not the problem in our Ohio elections. Of course there may be an incompetent, or sloppy, or even dishonest...
17 May 2007
Congressional Intent to Eliminate We the People from Our Own Elections   ---  Congressional Failure to Secure and Guarantee Basic Rights to All Americans

Americans Must Act Within Two Weeks to Restore Their Inalienable Right...
11 May 2007
From Ohio and California to Scotland and France, the disputes surrounding electronic voting machines have gone truly global.

E-voting machines have already been extensively studied and condemned by a wide range of expert...
09 May 2007
NEW YORK -- Voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has called for prison time for the new US Attorney for Arkansas, Timothy Griffin and investigation of Griffin's former boss, Karl Rove, chief political advisor to President Bush....


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