On February 12th, 140 of this nation's largest businesses in cooperation with the Bush Administration announced pledges to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4% in the next four years. Considering that the Environmental...
14 March 2003
The Sierra Club is continuing its legal actions against the City of Columbus Department of Sewers and Drains, (DOSD), which has been illegally dumping untreated raw sewage into Central Ohio rivers and basements.
14 March 2003
New report reveals one fish kill incident a week in Ohio. Wildlife officers quick to respond and charge polluters, but fines rarely reflect full value of damage
On average a pollution spill or leak kills more than a...
On average a pollution spill or leak kills more than a...
20 July 2002
In 2001 over 12,000 Central Ohio residents signed a petition saying they wanted a vote at the ballot box in the City of Columbus on a moratorium to stop new City sewer and water service into the Big Darby...
In 2001 over 12,000 Central Ohio residents signed a petition saying they wanted a vote at the ballot box in the City of Columbus on a moratorium to stop new City sewer and water service into the Big Darby...
02 May 2002
The Ohio Division of Mineral Resources scheduled a meeting May 15 at 2 p.m. at the Belmont Technical College Red Room for Ohio Valley Coal Company’s Permit D-0360-13 (-13 for short) which would allow access from the -7 permit area to the -...
12 April 2002
Civilized people around the world are horrified by the 9/11/01 terror attacks and want to help. Reducing purchases of oil from Middle East regimes that support terror networks is a start. Park that gas-guzzling SUV, permanently. SUV’s...