13 September 2012
As a direct result of the illegal United States-led attack on Gaddafi and the subsequent coup, pan-Islamic fundamentalists killed the U.S. ambassador and three other American diplomats in Benghazi, Libya Tuesday, on the anniversary of 9/...
10 September 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A top American United Nations official said attempts to indict five additional former Khmer Rouge for alleged war crimes may be boosted when a new American investigating judge is added to a U.N.-backed court in...
04 September 2012
The death of Reverend Sun Myung Moon hopefully ends one of the strangest chapters in U.S. security industrial complex history. The self-proclaimed "Messiah" who owned dozens of businesses including Kahr Arms, and who once claimed to have...
24 August 2012
Seven months ago, in December, 2011, Brian Arredondo, age 24, hanged himself in a shed in his mother’s backyard. Brian was the brother of US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Alexander Arredondo, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. For seven years...
17 August 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's military, narcotics bureau, airports and other security forces bought 1,576 fake "bomb detectors" for $30 million, investigators said, which the army currently uses against Islamist guerrillas despite a U.S...
15 August 2012
The original website for this special report includes three unpublished video clips of interviewees from the Politics of Genocide documentary film project: Ugandan dignitary Remigius Kintu, former Rwandan prime minister Fautisn...


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