
08 June 2023

Remarks by China's United Nations Ambassador, Geng Shuang, on the situation in Occupied Palestine on May 24...

Refugee families walking on a road
07 June 2023

May 15th of this year was the 75th anniversary of the Nakba (Arabic for catastrophe) that befell Palestinians when the state of Israel was created, at least 750,000 Palestinians (about 75 percent of the indigenous population) were...

Shireen Abu Akleh
01 June 2023

May 11 marked the one-year anniversary of the murder of Palestinian America journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who was killed by an Israeli soldier while wearing a clearly marked vest while on assignment to cover a military raid in Jenin...

29 May 2023

It is unclear why 100-year-old Henry Kissinger has been elevated by Western intelligentsia to serve the role of the visionary in how the West should behave in response to the Russia-Ukraine war. 

 But does the...

25 May 2023

Though the United States remains a strong supporter of Israel, there are some indications that the supposed 'unbreakable bond' with Tel Aviv is faltering, though more in language than in deeds. 

 Following the...

09 May 2023

Khader Adnan was not a ‘terrorist’ with ‘Israeli blood on his hands,’ as pro-Israeli propagandists have been repeating in the news and on social media. 

If the former Palestinian prisoner, who...


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