
22 July 2017

It is all about the oil. Whatever else one hears about Venezuela, it is all about the oil. That is what one needs to know first about why the U.S. Empire has Venezuela under siege. It is about the oil.

When President Trump says...

10 July 2017

Outdoing Donald Trump’s repeated threats to “send in the feds” to deal with Chicago’s problems, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the man who promised to keep the war on Iraq going in 2007 in order for Democrats to run “against” it again in 2008, and...

29 June 2017

John Kiriakou led the CIA operation that arrested, or rather, kidnapped without charge, Abu Zubaydah. Joseph Hickman helped imprison Abu Zubaydah as a guard at Guantanamo and was later the lead researcher for Zubaydah’s habeas...

Lakhdar Boumediene
26 June 2017

The corpses pile up like sandbags along the planet’s geopolitical borders.

“Perhaps his condition...

15 June 2017

The word, inappropriately uttered, has the news value of a bullet fired off at the mall. One word. It’s the ticking time bomb of American history. It pulsates with paradox.

07 June 2017

ermont, of all places, offers the latest example of how marijuana makes people crazy, the people in this case being the Republican governor and...


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