15 October 2005
These are triumphant hours for Pat Robertson. His standing as America's senior ayatollah is becoming firmer as Billy Graham and even Jerry Falwell yield the prime-time pulpit to the smooth-tongued maestro of the Christian Coalition....
08 September 2005
Monday, August 22, at noon, protesters stood outside of the Dispatch offices chanting "Dispatch, Disgrace" in anger to what they perceived as a disrespect to the memory of local social crusader Bill Moss. Two days after he unexpectedly...
08 September 2005
Every fall, Project Censored presents the 25 most censored stories of the past year. The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism (CICJ) is proud to announce that freepress.org Editor Bob Fitrakis and Senior Editor Harvey Wasserman's...
27 August 2005
For a long time, the last refuge of scoundrels was “patriotism.” Now it’s “the war on terror.”

President Bush and many of his vocal supporters aren’t content to wrap themselves in the flag. It’s not sufficient to posture...
13 July 2005
Not published in The New York Times

The only thing more evil, small-minded and treacherous than the Bush Administration's jailing Judith Miller for a crime the Bush Administration committed, is Judith Miller covering up her...
08 July 2005
Is there ever anyone luckier than Judy Miller? All last year she was pilloried as the prime saleslady for the imaginary WMDs that offered the prime pretext for the invasion of Iraq. Although it refused to denounce her by name, the New York...


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