
31 August 2022

Close your eyes and try to envision the ...

23 August 2022

In 2022, Pride month — June — gave way to an explosion of invective against LGBTQ rights, helped along by allies in right-wing media, particularly Fox News. But there’s also rising anti-trans sentiment in the liberal-left sphere, and it...

20 August 2022

Why does the United States have more civilian gun deaths t​​hen the entire rest of the world combined?  Is it because people in the US are more violent? NO.

Is it because people in the US are more...

17 August 2022

Texas and Arizona have begun busing refugees at their border – at a cost of millions – up to a couple liberal Northern cities . . . let’s see how they like it!

Texas, according to Gov. ...

11 August 2022

On a shrugged-off afternoon of YouTube wandering, I came upon this: “Is There Life After...

29 July 2022

If you depart from an "us vs. them" philosophy of life, your first confrontation is likely to be with the cynics.

Perhaps the most important thing I learned was how deeply and intensely people wanted to be...


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