
08 March 2007
Next week the Governor will release his first budget and the Family Coverage Coalition and Voices for Ohio's Children and the Coalition for Affordable Healthcare in Ohio are all collaborating on finding stories of people who would benefit...
07 March 2007
Right-wing thugs run amok; the minister of propaganda is a master of his craft; enemies of the state are intimidated, arrested, and tortured in secret prisons; basic civil liberties are suspended; the government's spying apparatus is...
03 March 2007
Americans frustrated with the Democratic congressional leaders for dithering over Iraq should never forget who actually drove us into the Iraqi quagmire. Even those Democrats who voted for the president's war resolution in 2002 did so only...
01 March 2007
Tell Your Representative to Support HRes 121! Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA) has reintroduced his resolution on "Protecting the Human Rights of Comfort Women" House Resolution 121 denounces Japan's sexual enslavement of Asian and Pacific Island...
28 February 2007
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (CUADP) Celebrating 160 Years Without Death Penalty
With judicial, legislative or executive moratoriums on executions in place in at least eight states, March 1st, 2007,...
27 February 2007
While finance and technology are rapidly reshaping our media, undermining printed words and exalting digital screens, the nation's major newspapers continue to exercise enormous political influence. Their news reports and editorial...


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