
27 March 2007
You can take action now to support the US Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to list the polar bear as threatened at  With the Arctic Ocean expected to be ice-free in the...
27 March 2007
To My Fellow Concerned Citizens:

I am writing with an urgent appeal to join a group of prominent Americans who will appear on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building on Thursday March 29 to call for the impeachment of President...
17 March 2007
These people truly are pathological, so comfortable are they at lying that they make no distinction between the mundane and the monstrous.

Crows are white; doves are black. Night is day. Day is night. The ...
16 March 2007
Parts missing,follow the signs.
Chickens,turkeys and game hens
marinating in cheap wines.
Shake and bake or barbeque
let the party begin,
no talk of war,
more vodka more gin.

A man kills his...


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