
13 May 2007
If you knew Syria like Dubya knew Syria, oh, oh, oh what a gal!

            It is a commonly held secret that Syria is President Bush's dirty little mistress in the global war on terror. Like most mistresses, Syria is not...
13 May 2007
Thirty years ago this month, in the small seacoast town of Seabrook, New Hampshire, a force of mass non-violent green advocacy collided with the nuke establishment.

A definitive victory over corporate power was won. And the...
10 May 2007
Sensing their own smallness, contemporary politicians often seek to puff themselves up by appealing to myth and legend. For Republicans, there is no mythology more appealing than that of Ronald Wilson Reagan, as the party's presidential...
04 May 2007
The president just vetoed a plan that would bring our troops home from Iraq this year. There's a huge amount of pressure right now on Democrats in Congress to compromise and give the president what he wants. We need to make sure Congress...
03 May 2007
While the natural human fascination with gossip and backbiting among our rulers guarantees media coverage and best-seller status for George Tenet's new memoir, the former CIA director cannot achieve absolution in print or on television....
28 April 2007
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 has chosen to feature Video the Vote as one of four pieces in its year ending “Keeping Them Honest” segment. Their Video the Vote piece will be featured on the CNN website in the coming days where viewers LIKE YOU...


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