
20 January 2003
GOOD MORNING.... We are gathered here in joy to celebrate the technologies of peace. The road to peace, to justice, to prosperity leads through the sun and the wind. Never has the contrast been so great.

In tragedy and fear...
20 January 2003
WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (IPS) - As the U.S. government pours troops into the Persian Gulf region, opposition to the administration's policy of ''pre-emptive war'' against Iraq is growing, with at least half a million demonstrators turning out...
19 January 2003
It is official: George Ryan is now a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Francis A. Boyle announced "I have today filed the Nomination by fax with the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Norway. will now focus its efforts on...
19 January 2003
Cities for Peace Project – A coalition is forming to request that Columbus City Council join the Cities for Peace project by passing a resolution in opposition to war on Iraq. Cities for Peace is a project of the Institute for Policy...
19 January 2003
Redhorse is charged with "ENGAGING IN UNAUTHORIZED GROUP ACTIVITY"AS SET FORTH IN 520-9-37 OF THE Admin code Sec.-2-A,B,C.

Anthony Redhorse Driscoll is an Indian Prisoner held in the 'HOLE' at the London, Ohio Correctional...
19 January 2003
Buddy's Carpet has been running radio ads for the show.

Please call expressing your disappointment that they would support the abuse of animals and that you wouldn't be buying any carpet from them.

Until they...


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