"America roused to a righteous anger has always been a force for good. States that have been supporting if not Osama bin Laden, people like him, need to feel pain. If we flatten part of Damascus or Tehran, or whatever it takes, that is...
12 September 2001
Tuesday's onslaughts on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are being
likened to Pearl Harbor, and the comparison is just. From the point of view
of the assailants, the attacks were near miracles of logistical calculation,
22 August 2001
The current uproar over the posture of the Bush administration on global
warming and, most recently, on power plant emissions vividly illustrates the
political hypocrisy and opportunism imbuing debates on environmental issues.
15 August 2001
The war in Colombia isn't about drugs. It's about the annihilation of
popular uprisings by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and
the National Liberation Army (ELN)...
01 July 2001
Beacon Fellowship is a non-profit, Interfaith organization who’s Mission is to unite people to create change in communities. We are not a political group, we are not a church, we are a small community organization working on Social...
01 July 2001
You might not see things yet on the surface, but underground, it’s already on fire.
- Indonesian writer Y.B. Mangunwijaya
The surface reports of the recent Quebec City trade talks belie their real import. The mainstream...