I arrived back from Colombia tired but very, very happy with
the trip. I have nothing but the highest praise for Witness for
Peace volunteers Jess and Julia who organized our delegation to travel and learn about the realities of life...
16 January 2002
The current political-economic crisis in Argentina, at first
glance, appears to be the resultant snafu of a corrupt
government that is itself the legacy of an even more corrupt government which itself arose from the ashes of a military...
16 January 2002
We are always telling people how the growing prison-
industrial complex (PIC) is all about making money off of prisoners, but we need to understand precisely how this is being done so that we can explain it to the general public and...
16 January 2002
Roughly 30 years ago prison activists
began to promote the concept of
“alternatives to prisons.” The alternatives they had in mind were halfway houses, probation, and other less punitive forms of supervision and rehabilitation. “...
16 January 2002
News media editorials frequently call for an end to the violence in the Middle East
and a return to the peace process by the Palestinians and Israelis. (The
Palestinians call it the “piece” process—While the negotiators talk, the...
16 January 2002
The following article appeared on the website: consortiumnews.com.
Major national news outlets have gone silent in the face of evidence that they published misleading stories about the Florida presidential recount. The New...
Major national news outlets have gone silent in the face of evidence that they published misleading stories about the Florida presidential recount. The New...