22 February 2014
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The government clamped a "state of emergency" on
Bangkok and surrounding provinces starting on Wednesday (Jan. 22),
empowering security forces to detain people without charge, ban public
gatherings, impose curfews,...
22 February 2014
BANGKOK, Thailand -- U.S., Thai and other military forces have begun
Cobra Gold, the largest multinational exercise in the Asia-Pacific
region, including 17 Chinese troops for the first time, a move
perceived in China as proof that Beijing...
22 February 2014
So the “all the above” energy strategy now deems we dump another $6.5 billion in bogus loan guarantees down the atomic drain. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz has announced finalization of hotly contested taxpayer handouts for the two Vogtle...
21 February 2014
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Anti-election protesters on Sunday (Feb. 2)
blocked nearly 10 percent of Thailand's 93,000 polling stations to
prevent the quick formation of a new government, despite millions of
people voting to replace Parliament's...
19 February 2014
Increasing wealth and income inequality in the United States is the great moral and economic issue of our time. It speaks to whether we will be a nation with a vibrant and growing middle class, or an oligarchic form of society in which a...