
17 December 2011
Tell Your Senators to Stand Strong on the Keystone XL Dirty Oil your senators!
15 December 2011
Never doubt that simple acts of generosity and solidarity can change lives---and the world.

George Whitman and his Shakespeare & Company bookstore have been uniquely powerful living proof of that. And his daughter has...
21 November 2011
The Columbus Coalition for Responsive Government is putting on the ballot a voter initiative to reform the Charter of the City of Columbus, to create a more responsive and more accountable Columbus City Council that consists of 4 members...
15 November 2011
Seven Occupy Columbus members were arrested at a US Bank branch in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, November 15. Two of the seven report that they were arrested without warning after entering the bank as part of a "tour." A Facebook message from...
11 November 2011
On election night 2011 during the evening and into the next morning, Franklin County pollworkers contacted the Free Press telling the paper that they were unable to make the electronic voting machines print out precinct-level results as...
10 November 2011
We drew an unmistakable line in the sand yesterday.

Whatever our opponents thought they knew, they now know is very, very incorrect. Our message was delivered clearly and emphatically: "We did not and will not turn our backs...


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