08 October 2011
In 2010, Ohio had the second most executions of any state in the country, behind only Texas. With more than 156 people still on death row in Ohio and a proven track record of wrongful convictions, there is a real possibility that Ohio...
02 October 2011
The late Herbert Marcuse, author of One Dimensional Man, and Noam Chomsky, America's most cited scholar, both have pointed out the advantage of controlling news through private corporate conglomerates. In 1947, in his seminal book Inside...
30 September 2011
Once again, we need to vigilant at the polls in Ohio this election season. Early voting will begin in October and we need people at the polling sites then and on Election Day to help monitor the process. If you have some time to help out,...
25 September 2011
The original notice that Karl Rove, former Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush, would be speaking at Cedarville University in Ohio came from Warcriminalswatch.org. What piqued my interest is how a Bible-based fundamentalist...
19 September 2011
With the coming vote in Ohio on Issue 2, to repeal the union-busting Senate Bill 5, everyone should take time out to watch one of the more impressive labor films ever made. In these post-modern cynical times, the term “solidarity” seems...


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