13 November 2002
Columbus Dispatch editors are at it again. In a Sept. 10 headline, the Big D proclaimed “Hagan wouldn’t execute child killer.” Similar headlines have appeared in the past against other disfavored politicians, usually substituting words...
13 November 2002
The state of Ohio killed Robert Buell on September 25. The mainstream mass media made sure that everyone knew that Buell was sentenced to death for the sexual assault and murder of 11-year-old Krista Harrison. During Buell’s eighteen years...
26 September 2002

After Campanella lost, the democrats took over and newly elected commissioner Mary Boyle was happy to fire me. I entered the republican primary for council, won, but lost...
25 September 2002
Like every little boy, I played cowboys and Indians, army and other childhood pastimes such as dodge ball or hide and seek with my friends. When not engaged in these games we often played football, basketball and, of course, baseball. We...
01 October 2001
As the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center toppled and with the Pentagon in flames, Attorney General Betty Montgomery battled on almost alone, as the rest of the nation sought to comfort the wounded, tried to rescue survivors and...
01 July 2001
Legislation is supposed to be introduced soon in Ohio’s House calling for a halt to the Death Penalty while it is studied by a blue ribbon panel.

In the meantime, local governments will be asked to pass a resolution in support of...


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