


Get Right is celebrating it’s 7th Year Anniversary Saturday with another Gallery Hop party at Skully’s. Initially, Get Right was a dance party that took great shape on First Fridays with the combined forces of promoter/social engineer/entrepreneur on the rise Kareem Jackson and two of Columbus’ best deejay’s Detox and Johnny Cashola.



The corporate media silence on Fukushima has been deafening even though the melted-down nuclear power plant’s seaborne radiation is now washing up on American beaches.

Ever more radioactive water continues to pour into the Pacific. 

At least three extremely volatile fuel assemblies are stuck high in the air at Unit 4. Three years after the March 11, 2011, disaster, nobody knows exactly where the melted cores from Units 1, 2 and 3 might be.

Amid a dicey cleanup infiltrated by organized crime, still more massive radiation releases are a real possibility at any time.




Amazing. Seven hundred thousand dollars raised from corporate supporters. Heartfelt appeals by famous people and politicians. Adorable animals. Arguably the best zoo in America. All the necessary elements for a solid campaign. Supremely confidence of a win…

But the vast majority of voters just said no, a loser by 70 percent.

Mayor Michael Coleman and Columbus’ power brokers suffered their second major defeat at the polls May 6 when central Ohio voters rejected the zoo levy – echoing the 69 percent drubbing delivered last November by the voters on the Columbus City Schools levy.


What’s wrong with this picture?

The zoo levy’s PR folks trotted out legendary Director Emeritus Jack Hanna and held charming family-friendly events with cuddly zoo animals. Commercials beseeched voters with the needs of the zoo animals – a new hospital and improved habitat. Not to mention another zoo conveniently located downtown.


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